Android Mobile Application Development: The Essence of Every Business

Android App Development

Mobile Apps are a powerful and influencing tool to connect with target customers in any business. Nowadays, almost everyone operates smart phones, and the market for smart phones will keep on growing.

Without any doubt, we all know that Android is a highly demanding OS in mobile phones. Whenever a developer develops a mobile app, the first attention always goes to the Androids OS; apps in androids are crafted user-friendly. This feature makes Android more loved among people.

Here are few trends in Android Mobile Application Development that are essence of every business can be given as follows:

1. Block Chain Technology

This technology gives a solution to the development of decentralized apps that enhances transparency and it also removes unauthorized accesses, and in between it uses tough security protocols.

This is ideally a great option for Android app development services mainly for the finance sector like currency exchange, banks, etc.

The main advantage offered by Block Chain Technology includes:

  • It lessens the loss of data.
  • It organizes data when the network fails, for improved performance.
  • Block chain apps in android are much safer and secure for the encryption of data.

2. Android Instant Apps

Instant apps in the Android app development are not rare; instead, it still becomes popular. Instant apps in Android allow users to try new applications or games without installing them on mobile or any other device. It prevents consumers to download any app, thus it helps to use the faster web and directly with no need to install them.

3. Machine Learning and AI (Artificial Intelligence)-

While cloud computing has brought a huge amount of strength to computing for all businesses, the creation of Artificial Intelligence that enhances regular task performance or procedures becomes easier.

The flexibility of results is both the weakness and strength of Artificial Intelligence development. You can use it to automate different tasks, integrating image identification, processing of natural language, or analysis of data.

In addition, only the training process is computing-heavy. The currently trained network can be efficiently utilized and introduced on smart devices, with no consumption of the processor.

4. Flutter Development

Flutter is the latest technology from Google and also it is a future opportunity for Android App development. This structure permits android app development with the use of an inhabitant interface for the platforms Android and IOS. Numbers of developers pick this platform as an implementation tool for making mobile phone apps due to its flexibility and combinability.

Few main reasons to prefer Flutter include:

  • It’s native designing
  • Easy and simple to learn feature
  • Development of MVP

As software developers join Flutter dynamically into the process of app development that makes the technology most used in android mobile app development services. But the Android app development is different from custom IOS app development.

If you are looking for more mobile app Development Company, you can visit our company’s website.

We at Technogiq IT Solutions provides the best solutions to our clients.

Top 3 cross selling and up selling plugins for WooCommerce


When you decide to increase your e-commerce digital marketing company website’s revenue, you can use these two proven ways: one is to gain new customers, and the second is to increase the value of sales from your existing customers. So, to accomplish the first option, you need lots of investment and marketing efforts. On the other side, the second option can be achieved only by doing a few twists in your eCommerce site.

What are Up-selling and Cross-selling?

By displaying your buyers an improved version of the product that they are purchasing already, this way you will not only enhance business value but also provide a better experience for them. This method is considered as Up-Selling.

In the same way, showing buyers the compatibility of products and regularly buying from each other, will boost your sales value. It will encourage them to buy more products from you. This is considered as Cross-Selling.

That is why WooCommerce provides built-in options that help businesses to cross-sell and upsell their products. However, these built-in features will not offer the scalability and flexibility that many businesses owner want, it becomes the reason why 3rd party extensions of WooCommerce emerged to do their job. Also, Website development using WordPress is still on top.

Here, we will discuss the top cross-selling and up-selling WooCommerce plugins. So, let us begin:

1. WISDM Customized Product Boxes

This up-selling plugin helps you to upsell your goods and services by creating bundles of products that can be sold out in various packages.

The main benefits of this plugin are:

  • A customized front-end box that allows changing the styling and layout of product boxes.
  • You can allow buyers to generate bundles on their own.
  • Set a dynamic or fixed price on every bundle, according to the product added to the cart.

2. YITH Plugin – WooCommerce Frequently Bought Together

YITH is a highly recognized brand in the business of WordPress plugins. They sell various plugins, themes, and other services that make your website better. One plugin out of them shows those products that are commonly bought with each other on your product page, and this encourages cross-selling.

The major benefits of this plugin are:

  • You can customize and change its link text, image size, widget placement, and anything you wanted to.
  • Create automatic bundles of products based on the up-sales and cross-sales data of your site.
  • Set a valid discount option on your products that are bought together.

3. Beeketing Plugin

This is an automated eCommerce platform that builds several products for eCommerce websites, and along with them it is a set of different WooCommerce development extensions; it enables many website functionalities. This plugin provides help for both cross-selling and upselling of the product.

Its major benefits are:

  • It provides AI mechanized cross-selling functionality so that you don’t have to create the bundles of products yourselves
  • Give notifications of recent orders that boost the confidence of customers and hence it encourages cross-selling.
  • It offers several other features like mailbot email marketing, shopping cart countdown timer, customized recommendations, etc.

Final Thought:

This is the list of top 3 cross-selling and up-selling plugins for WooCommerce that you can install to boost your site’s revenue. At the starting of this article, we have explained that increasing revenue from existing customers is easy as compared to acquiring new buyers.

For more information about these plugins- How to use them? Why use? Feel free to connect with us at Technogiq IT Solutions.

5 tips to follow while dealing with Local SEO Problems


Local SEO is very effective and offers various benefits to business owners. To get these benefits you have to hire a trusted and reputed digital and SEO marketing agency for your business.

But sometimes due to negligence of agency, your time, money, and effort go wasted. When factors like location-specific pages and content, appeal on social media, reviews, and proper Google listings are not taken into consideration, then your business and its investment may lead to a downfall.

Here in this post, we will learn about 5 tips to follow while dealing with local SEO problems.

However, strategies mainly focus on advertising your services and products to the local clients, while optimization of local SEO will help you to get heavy web traffic and conversions that will enhance the name of your local brand. The list to follow while dealing with local SEO problems are:

1. While your content is not location-specific:

To generate a successful online business, location-specific content is an important element. Without this content, competing with competitor businesses becomes more challenging and it becomes hard to attract clients and customers. Always share relevant topics and ideas on your website that customers will not find anywhere else.

2. While your pages are not location-specific:

If your website’s page URLs and titles are built incorrectly, then you have to face difficulties in searches, it is so because location-based pages are missed out. When you face this problem, it is necessary to optimize the pages of your business by adding your products, services, brands, and local elements altogether.

3. Incorrect Google listing of your website

Every business site that comes across several errors in Google listing is problematic and stressful. The chances to gain more clients and customers are at stake. To avoid these issues, you can claim listings of your business on portals like Google Places. You have to ensure that the entries to your business listing are goes to the same URL.

4. Lack of social media appeal

Social media platforms are the best tools to promote any business. Sometimes, all the efforts go wasted and your business still does not appeal to audiences. In that case, you have to follow business guidelines and then choose social media platform accordingly or you can seek help from a digital marketing services company for social media recognition. Try to use Google+ for your business listing, since connecting with customers is equally important for your business.

5. Lack of good reviews

Good reviews help your business site to present its reliability and credibility to your customers. Few businesses think posting fake reviews will help businesses to grow, but it might not work out to attract more clients. The perfect solution to this issue is to directly ask your clients to give you a written review of your website. You can create a comment section on your business webpage that help others to notice and review it. Taking confirmation from the guidelines of Google places is equally important, so keep that in mind as well.

These are the 5 tips to follow while dealing with local SEO problems.

If you are looking for certified local SEO services for your business, we are the perfect choice.

Contact our experts today for more details at Technogiq IT Solutions.

Why Angular2 Development is best for your website?

Angular2 Development

Angular is a highly recommended web app framework that is used by developers. Angular framework gained popularity in the last few years and hence its downloading rate also increased. The performance of web applications is related to web efficiency.

It helps in building dynamic and interactive SPAs (Single Page Applications) with its convincing features like two-way binding, templating, RESTful handling of API, modularization, AJAX handling, etc.

Now, let’s get to know why Angular2 website Development is best for you.


The syntax is important when choosing a framework for the front end of web development. Angular depends upon Typescript (mainly a superscript) developed by Microsoft for JavaScript.

Integrated Approach

This integrated approach in Angular includes grouping various directives, components, and different services. A website app developed in Angular is sort of a puzzle wherein each module is essential for a complete photograph. There are non-exported modules that live hidden from other internet application modules, whereas there are exported elements or modules available to all of them. The non-exported elements help developers to make the adjustments in the background of elements while other modules are practically functional.

Model View-View Model Architecture

The architecture of MVC is converted to Model View-View Model (MVVM) architecture with Angular2. This approach was a step closer to decreasing the limitations of the MVC structure. With an MVC architecture, if there’s an exchange within the view, it doesn’t show in the model mechanically.

Model View-View Model architecture helps with the functions of JavaScript termed as View Model; it is almost the same as the controller however allows the instantaneous update of the model because of changes in the View element. You could alter the MVVM structure in Angular to enhance the content material loading performance, that’s important in getting an advanced Lighthouse score.

Fast Development

Angular permits you to code and debug on the move, so the complete development time reduces notably. The feature of two-way binding in MVVM architecture will allow you to have records modification in both approaches (View-Model & Model-View). And another benefit that Angular offers are quicker MVP or Minimal Viable Product done by an integrated approach. Mobile Application development using angular also attracts more customers.


Angular2 development offers better scalability with factors like pipes and lazy loading. You can use lazy loading for a better experience for users, and with Angular pipes, you could offer advanced features to your customers. In particular for eCommerce web application development, Angular gives various unique tools to perform better and have a good engagement with the clients.


Angular is an awesome framework for the web app development method and a satisfactory alternative for interoperability with technology for the back-end like NodeJS. So, even if you’re creating a single web page app (PWA), Angular can be your great choice for the development at the front-end. So, get your services today without wasting any time.

Get in touch with us, our experts are there to answer all your question. Visit us at Technogiq IT Solutions.

Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Finance Sector

Artificial Intelligence

Technology and its related tools are always been an important part of human lives. Nowadays, applications and programs have become a part of our day-to-day lives, that act better than human beings. We call this technology Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Previously, when machinery is combined with human intelligence has been the object of some Fantasy movies. However, after 4 decades, the myth has emerged as a truth. With regards to utilizing AI by Finance companies, it is heartening to peer finance industry moguls operating with coders & software program developers for developing applications.

Know more about the Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Finance Sector:

AI influences Decision Making

Insurance businesses and funding advisors, before announcing new services or products into the marketplace, can ask questions to AI structures as opposed to customers. The AI platforms are loaded with user data and can provide recommendations.

This may help the insurance advisors; they will get a clear view of user expectations and choices. They can then reframe the products or services to fit the client’s desires.

AI helps in detecting Online Fraud

The tools used to analyze frauds in banks have an Artificial Intelligence app that shows users’ spending patterns. It’s far impossible for a human to examine a large quantity of information before its end date and publish a document. But, AI due to its automation technique not only finds errors but provides the result in the given time. There are a few AI techniques, which can alter themselves to come across new styles in fraud detection instances. For this, you can hire any artificial intelligence service provider for proper application installation.

Virtually mechanized Assistants

Investment groups have always changed their technologies to fit the current trends. They use the computerized virtual assistants to approach new clients, explain to them every possibility of new products, its benefits & disadvantages, and ultimately trap them to do funding. These new virtually mechanized assistants are named “Robo Advisors. Also, the use of AI in the growth of the business is recommended to stand in the competitive technological market.


AI applications provide security from online hackers or fraudsters. These applications are programmed in a way that they can identify the frauds. They have installed AI programs on their servers to identify unfair spending pastimes, and if located, they can prevent bills and ship caution alerts/messages to you and the banks as well. Using this approach, banks all around the globe have protected the hard-earned money of clients.

These are the few points explained that show the impact of Artificial Intelligence in the Finance Sector.

AI is the future of the technological industry, so get your services for the same ASAP. Technogiq IT Solutions provides the best services in Artificial Intelligence, contact us today to get more information

Software Ramifications due to adopting of hybrid technologies

Software Ramification

The automotive controllers were firstly designed in the simulation environment that uses uninterrupted models of time for vehicle and controller plant. But unfortunately, the implementation of a controller in software and operation on the microcontroller is having ramifications for cost and performance.

Hybrid Information Technology merges internal resources with externally sourced storage, compute, application, and network resources. It is incorporated to allow for the migration of workload between environments and lifecycle development for supporting an application; they extend multi-location recovery efforts and backup, and faultless application execution.

Now, let see how to achieve Hybrid Information Technology Architecture

Step first – Defining the overall hybrid architecture

The hybrid information technology of a company involves various internal data and applications that a company runs previously, but they additionally choose applications and cloud-based data to deploy on their cloud. It is inadequate to expand a schematic of internal IT with no broadening of this schematic that includes outer resources of the cloud.

Management of IT should have to recognize the ramification by using various kinds of cloud-based IT.

The offerings of cloud are divided into 3 fundamental classes:

1. SaaS – Software as a Service

2. IaaS – Infrastructure as a service

3. PaaS – Platform as a service

Knowing when to use these PaaS, SaaS, and IaaS is also important.

Step Second – Managing the overall Hybrid IT Architecture

As early as any business start adopting any cloud solution, the scope for reaching IT is beyond the data centre of the company and into numerous seller controlled solutions for processing and hosting data. In some of the cases, small Software Solutions Companies opt for cloud sellers to manage their applications and data and their security as well. In medium or large-scale businesses this cloud seller approach is not acceptable.

The large companies having expertise in IT staff whose task is to manage the everyday health of applications and internally hosted data, but also have to manage those applications and data that is hosted by outer cloud sellers. Finally, it accomplished after meeting with the cloud sellers before making deal with them, it is necessary to explain to them what are your governance and security, and data maintenance requirements are; then collaborate with the team of your internal staff and seller to oversee and run the data and applications that you choose for deploying over seller’s cloud.

Step Third – Applying a particular set of policies

In every Custom Software Development Company, there is governance and security policies are made which employees and staffs have to perform and that is periodically reviewed by auditors too. It is totally up to software development firms whether they wanted to extend their security and governance policies over the cloud or not.

This is how you achieve Hybrid Information Technology Architecture.

If you are looking for a software development agency or software companies in the USA, you can contact us or visit our website Technogiq IT Solutions. Our company provides the best services to our clients.

The Main factors of MySQL for Your Company


Everything you need to learn about MySQL

MySQL is an RDBMS (Relational Database Management System), it mainly stores every record in separate, multiple, and highly organized tables instead of single storage. A database is a planned and organized collection of data.

MySQL is considered as a highly recognized technology in the current big data ecosystem. Frequently named as the most popular database and now enjoying its common, and effective use irrespective of business; clearly, it shows that someone involved with business data or general Information Technology must know the basic concept of MySQL.

Let’s see the main factors of MySQL for your company:

1. MySQL is- Compatible and an Open-source

Any business can install and practice its basic software, with the feature to enable its thirdparty modification and one can customize its source code as well. MySQL is created to be very compatible with a broad range of programming languages, database models, and systems. It has external capabilities to design databases and data modeling; these features make it a practical and simple option for your company.

2. MySQL has – Scalability

As user loads and data volumes increases, the storage space for the database is also scaled-up. It should cope with the extra workload with no performance drop. Different ways can be used to scale up MySQL, like clustering, sharding, and replication. It processes and supports large databases, but this impacts speed as well.

3. MySQL is – Reliable and Fast

MySQL was built for speed, also this comes with an expense of added features. MySQL is wellknown for its reliability and consistency as an administrator of the database. Another advantage of MySQL is that it is very easy and simple to use and learn.

4. MySQL has – High Availability

Web platforms and online businesses should be able to offer 24×7 services to their worldwide audiences. That’s why high availability is the fundamental feature of MySQL. It uses the configurations of data replication and a wide range of cluster servers; this makes sure to get continuous uptime even if it faces a failure. MySQL database uses several recovery strategies and a variety of backups to make sure your data will never be lost during unintentional delete and system crashes.

5. MySQL provides – High Security

This feature is very important to consider for your business, as your company needs to be protected against cyber-attacks and safeguard your sensitive and important data. MySQL provides encoding using the SSL protocol, i.e., Secure Socket Layer, data authenticating plugins, data masking, and various security layers to protect the integrity of data. Also, the MySQL Enterprise package protects firewalls against cyber-attacks. Nowadays, MySQL is extended to support Data Mining Services as well.

These are the main factors of MySQL for your company.

Final views:

In this blog, we discussed a few main factors that make MySQL the perfect choice for your company to design its database. Other than the above-mentioned reasons, it provides day-andnight support services and it will handle downtime or system failure excellently. With the number of features and benefits, this RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) can expertly fulfill the requirements of database management of enterprises and individuals. For more information about MySQL, Get in Touch to get an answer to your questions.

In Technogiq, we have a team of experts who provides the best services to their customers.

Top 10 Factors while choosing Magento Development Agency

Magento Development

In this article, we will see why choosing Magento for your business web development?

Magento is the most commonly used eCommerce platform in today’s business era. Every leading industry across the world is choosing this eCommerce platform compared to other available options. The unique features and amazing functionalities provided by Magento become the major driving factor for its popularity.

Let us know what factors make Magento the best option for an eCommerce platform.

Here are the top factors to consider while choosing Magento web development services:

  1. Magento is an – Open-Source Medium

    You can control your website according to your need since Magento is an open-source medium. The source code of Magento can be revised or altered, hence the functionality becomes customizable and flexible. These factors make developers work easily and hassle-free.

  2. Magento is – Mobile Friendly

    In the present era of smartphones, the main audience for online businesses has become smartphone users. Magento understands this fact very well and hence it provides mobile friendly experiences to business websites and customers.

  3. Magento is – Empowered by SEO

    SEO is the most important part of every eCommerce and online business. To increase your website’s visibility, you need a good SEO analyst. It is SEO friendly; Magento supports site maps, i.e., XML and HTML, URL structure, URL rewrites, positioning layer, meta tags, metadata, meta descriptions, etc.

  4. Magento has – Big Community

    By the passing time, Magento made a superior, supporting, and strong community. Members from the Magento community will always be there for you to help with any confusion or a technical issue you find in your business.

  5. Magento allows – Third-party Incorporation

    Every eCommerce business website requires various third-party incorporation tools for analytics, multiple payments, database management, payment gateways, shipping, activity tracking, and many more. Magento development makes it convenient and easy for your business.

  6. Magento has – higher Scalability

    Magento is available in two editions, i.e.,

    • Magento Enterprise: this is paid version.

    • Magento Community: this is free for all.

    You can select any edition according to the need of your business, also you can scale the functionality of any of these editions anytime.

  7. Magento is – Manageable

    Every website that is developed by using Magento is easy to maintain and manage. You can control the admin panel to customize website aspects. Since Magento is open-source, so you can change its functionality according to your professional need.

  8. Magento is – Secure

    Security is the prior concern of Magento development because it deals with the customer’s personal information, their payment details, and other sensitive data. It implements SSL security, PCI compliance, and other components associated with security to provide secure browsing.

  9. Magento offers – the best user experience

    Websites provided by Magento offer the best user experience as compared to other platforms. Magento web development supports multiple languages and stores, it provides a smooth buying and easy navigation experience to their users.

  10. Magento has – Extensions

    At the market of Magento, you will find the number of extensions that are built by Magento experts. You can choose extensions according to your business need, they are very easy to implement. Magento web development services offer you in-built extensions, that reduce the time and effort of the coding part.

These are the top 10 factors to keep in mind while choosing Magento Development Agency for your eCommerce website.

We try to fulfill your need by providing the best Magento Development Services for your eCommerce business.

For more information, connect us at Technogiq IT Solutions.

The Reasons Why Blockchain Technology in Trend

Blockchain Technology

However, most people believe that the advantages allied to blockchain are restricted solely to crypto currency; instead, this blockchain technology plays a vital role to make changes in many businesses. It is publicized as a foundation base for various developmental departments. Many starts up companies are focusing to offer solutions based on blockchain. Importantly, it promotes those platforms that encourage growth, technical incorporation, and development. 

This technology gives a solution to the development of decentralized applications that enhances transparency and it also removes unauthorized access, and it uses tough security protocols. 

The main advantage offered by BlockChain Technology includes:

  • It lessens the loss of data.
  • Blockchain is much safer and secure for the encryption of data.
  • It organizes data when the network fails, for improved performance.

As most of the companies are shifting themselves to a digital platform, every company is struggling for the same space. Blockchain technology is fundamentally transforming conventional models of business in several ways. Additionally, it is opening an opportunity to gain any competitive and economical advantage. This is the main driving force that keeps any business to the lead of any competition.  

Why companies nowadays considering Blockchain Technology?

Blockchain technology has already exceeded its introductory segment in the business world of online banking and crypto. Eventually, it provides a road for businesses to make a change. Here are many reasons why most industrialists implementing this blockchain technology. 

It offers exceptional scope for different opportunities. Many businesses are already investigating, studying, and implementing this blockchain technology. Blockchain technology is having the potential to leave an impact on every field in the marketplace. Those companies which already took initiative to apply blockchain technology are now shaping a beautiful future of their business.  

The advantages of using blockchain technology in your business are given as follows:

Spread out the Power

Blockchain technology is mainly a distributed database. Not a single body may control its information. Users have the right to stay anonymous. 

Enhances the transparency

Information or data is shared and hence becomes more transparent. While every user is having access to the same document, thus changes are only made through agreement. Therefore, data is considered more consistent and accurate in blockchain technology.

The blockchain service boosts the efficiency of a business, improves traceability, and is highly cost-effective for any business.

Advanced Security

This blockchain technology is a highly secured and trusted system for keeping records safe. Records cannot be changed, if once any transaction or operation is entered. Additionally, transactions should be approved before encryption and linked with the earlier one. Access is only granted to those persons who have permission to do so; this prevents unauthorized activities and frauds. While data or information is stored across the computer’s network, it is so difficult for anyone to compromise with its security. 

These are the benefits of blockchain technology and these are the reasons why Blockchain Technology is in trend.

If you are looking for a blockchain Services Company in the USA orlooking for blockchain service providers, you can visit our company’s website. We at Technogiq IT Solutionsprovide the best services to our clients.

ERP Selection And Implementation – 5 Things You Should Consider Before Investing

ERP Insights Navigating Selection & Implementation

Setting up an ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning system is a costly scheme, not only in terms of maintenance and licensing dollars (SLA) but also in terms of committed time and resources. Buying an Enterprise Resource Planning tool is an intimidating task. With a different variety of ERP in the market and its level of change s having the potential to introduce itself; it will be difficult to understand whether this is a correct strategic move or not and if this is a correct time for a new ERP. 

Here are few things you should consider while selecting and implementing an ERP:

Long term Stability

Apart from a practical expectation of healthy business-proven software and good customer service, one can carefully believe that reputedly established enterprise solution providers are there for the long run and invested their interest in the current success of your business and future success.

Successful implementation of ERP

Technology is always as excellent as its implementation. The supplier of ERP for your business should have a great experience and knowledge that holds best practices in project management and have control and activities for strict governance that helps to ensure that every expectation and objective are met. 

Dedicated knowledge of Industry

All business is having their challenges and all the businesses are unique. By contacting Enterprise solutions firm they will provide you ERP seller who is specialized in your business, and will provide you with a specific solution. It saves a big deal of effort and time; lessens the efforts in customization and results in easier, quicker implementation. 

Post Implementation Education, support, and training

For increasing the advantages of an ERP investment, it’s very important to give adequate and proper training and support to the designated team. It requires three stages of learning, and it also includes different degrees in technological learning. Complete competency of learning cannot be achieved by onsite training only.

Enterprise solution services provide retail support, and easily accessible online material and tutorials for training, it is essential to make sure whether users can adapt and learn this new system on their own or not.

Preventing erosion of applications

Any software loses its worth in some time. Though the main reason for that is not every application is used frequently. Your seller may have the ability to gives you all the information and its availability. 

Implementing the era of digital disruption

With cloud services, the Internet of things, and Artificial Intelligence, it all requires digital age that needs to stay ahead in the technology curve. Make sure your ERP seller can face a challenge in every possible condition. The governance for this method requires governance that helps to ensure that every expectation and objective is met. 

These are the few things you should consider while selecting and implementing an Enterprise Solutions Company in the USA that helps to grow your business.

If you are looking for Enterprise Solutions Companyyou can visit our company’s official website. The website of our company is Technogiq IT Solutions. We provide the best services to our clients.

Cloud migration, Virtual boot camps new era of businesses

Cloud migration is mainly a process in which digital operations of businesses are moved into the clouds. Cloud migration is more like a physical or material move, apart from that it involves the movement of applications, IT processes, and data from one data centre to another data centre, instead of moving any physical goods. Like moving from one smaller office to a bigger office, cloud migration also requires lots of advance work and preparation, and it ends up worthy for all efforts, hence resulting in greater flexibility and cost savings.

Migration in cloud computing often describes the movement of whole business infrastructure to a cloud. However, this term also applies to the migration from one cloud to another one.

Now focus on the benefits of application migration to the cloud:

1. Cost

Businesses that shift to the cloud, immensely cut down the amount they mainly spend on their IT operations, as all the upgrading and maintenance work is handled by the cloud providers. Instead of running things, many businesses are allowed to focus much on how to use their resources in developing new products and make improvements in older ones.

2. Scalability

Cloud computing helps to scale up supporting bigger workloads and a larger number of users much easier than the on-grounds infrastructure, it requires a company to set up and purchase networking equipment, additional physical servers, and software licenses.

3. Performance

For few businesses, shifting to cloud data migration will allow them to enhance their performances and complete user experiences for their consumers. If the business website or application is hosted in the cloud computing service models instead of different on-ground servers, afterward data is not allowed to travel to reach their users, this reduces the latency.

4. Flexibility

The users, either they are customers or employees, are allowed to access the data and cloud migration services from anywhere they need. It enables businesses to expand and grow into new provinces, allows them to become cloud computing service providers for international audiences. Also, it provides flexibility in working patterns for their employees. 

Let see how virtual boot camps helps to grow a business:

The main purpose of virtual boot camps is to educate you on how to inscribe a business plan and have a look at prospects and financial needs for your business as well. Virtual boot camp allows you to work virtually or say online in the current pandemic situation.

It is a well-liked and accepted trend of an organization that offers remote working options to its workers. It provides access to work adjustably with their personal computer or laptop and other devices with strong cloud technologies that help to access data. 

If this technology is implanted perfectly, it delivers substantial advantages to the business like:

  • Increased Profits
  • Better Security
  • Increased Productivity
  • The efficiency of Process and cost Reduction 

This is how cloud migration and virtual boot camps give a new era to businesses. 

If you are looking for Cloud Computing Services for your business development, then you should reach out to our company. For more information contact us or visit our website Technogiq IT Solutions.

5 ways to Increase Engagement Rates on social media

Most businesses nowadays understand the importance of being on a social media platform. In the current scenario, it is essential to recognize that advertising your business on social media is the same as digital marketing. 

With billions of active users worldwide, it is clear that numerous brands attract more audiences than before with the help of social media platforms. The engagement of brands through social media has become a part of daily life for various businesses and hence, increases brand awareness.

Let’s see the 5 ways to increase the engagement rates on social media:

1. Create communities on social media

A valuable and significant approach on social media is the best way for brands to interact with their customers. The ultimate goal of online presence is to expand business reach and enhance conversation with your audience.

To increase the social media engagement rate, your business needs to build content that stimulates conversations and encourages customers to reach your business. Implementing this technique will engage the audience more and hence, attract more clients and leads.

2. Influencer or mouth marketing

Mouth marketing is another influenced factor of social media digital marketing. It involves a chain of influencers’ promotion of your brand or product to targeted audiences. One customer recommends your brand to another in a positive way and that helps you to increase your business. 

3. Alternative leveraging platforms

Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook are the core B2B marketing platform. Leverage platform is achieving great interest among online customers, and hence social media approaches are making their investments in various ways for integrating technologies. It is mainly computer-generated perceptional information. With great potent, leverage platforms build a successful path for social media with customer convenience. This explains the benefits of social media marketing for your business.

4. Better services for customer

Numbers of clients use social media marketing services for making communicate with businesses and consumers also feel that this is a suitable approach for contacting any company. It makes it easier for the consumer to contact you for customer details, make any complaints regarding your services or share their feedback regarding your brand or product. Make sure your company have a reliable and easily reachable customer care service center that increases your brand recognition, for this you can hire a digital marketing services company.

5. Influencing story feature on the social media platform

Nowadays, different social media platforms have added the story feature to their applications. Story feature enhances the recognition factor of any brand easily. Consumers get to know about different products and businesses and it influences the curiosity in them to know more about a brand. Marketers are actively practicing story features to different digital marketing strategies to expand their business.

These are the 5 ways to increase engagement rates on social media. It is not hidden that social media platforms are developing and evolving daily. All these techniques influence the target audience’s reaction towards the social media marketing of your brand. It is essential to enhance the social media engagement rate to maximize your business.

Know everything about Big Data- Its Advantages and Disadvantages

Big Data

Any data that is structured, semi-structured, or unstructured and also can be created in bigger volume with higher velocity is known as Big Data.

Let us see the Advantages of Big Data-

Increased Productivity

Big Data influences productivity to a bigger extent. Few tools like Spark and Hadoop are used to increase productivity. These tools are used by an analyst to analyze data with higher volume.

Better services for Customers

Data analysis will help analysts to understand user behavior. Analysts can gather information from different social media platforms and this collected data helps them to respond according to customer needs.

Improved Decision-making

Big data helps industries to make better decisions that enhance their business. Business operations can be performed effectively with the help of big data. It also helps businesses to build strong foundations by establishing their roots. 

Cost Minimization

Analytics of big data helps businesses to reduce their expenses. Additionally, tools of big data assist to enhance operational efficiency, and hence, it reduces cost.

Everything has advantages as well as disadvantages, now let’s see:

Disadvantages of Big Data:

Data Quality

Big data is typically unstructured and semi-structured. Its quality is sometimes never up to the mark. Sometimes, Data Mining Firms help to collect precise and accurate data for further study. The insights are non-worthy in this situation. 

Fast changes

Technologies are getting better and improving in every phase, it becomes more advanced than previous versions. Not every firm can adopt these rapid changes this fast, hence it leads to a big mess in their business.

Risk of Cybersecurity

For big data, security cannot be maintained properly, since higher storage is required for big data and it can’t be handled properly. Hence, data security is been compromised because of a lack of facilities.


Government compliance is required for the safekeeping of big data. Firms need to maintain the company standards or requirements of government while handling, maintaining, and storing big data. Companies can hire Data Mining Companies that help them to analyze data improve their business and also follows governmental norms.

Cost Factor

The process of analysis of big data is costly. Various additional costs are involved with it like technology cost, hardware cost, maintenance and storage cost, hiring of talent acquisition staff or Outsource Data Extraction Services, and tool deployment. Investment is needed to work on big data analysis. 

Conclusion on Advantages and Disadvantages of Big Data

Since data plays an important role in businesses the maintenance of these data is the biggest and most critical issue. Big data helps in increasing sales and hence, raises revenues as well. But the analysis of big data requires so much investment and analyzing big data is not a very easy task. 

For more details about Data Mining Servicesyou can visit our company’s website. Feel free to contact us at Technogiq IT Solutions.

The benefits of social media marketing for your business

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is marketing in which businesses have to reach their targeted customer at right time. In the current digitized and technological world, making a connection with your client online help you to develop your business.

While the internet has become an unavoidable part of today’s world, nowadays competitive market needs intellectual strategies of digital marketing to start and expansion of their businesses. 

Mainly small or start-up businesses require a superior level of plans for social media marketing approach so that they can be generated and boost their contact with potential clients.

Here is a list of the top benefits of social media marketing essential for your business:

Attaining more targeted visitors

As a small business or start-up business holder, you can achieve your marketing goals and you can connect with the targeted clients easily through online marketing. 

With the correct strategy at the correct time, you can make a connection with more potent customers for business and this proficient access is potential with the intelligent planning for this marketing. 

Higher exchange rates with the accurate strategy

The top advantage of social media marketing is providing higher exchange rates. The exchange rate is mainly the percentage of viewers to the website who visited frequently.

With the optimization of the exchange rate, an SEO marketing agency will allow your business to achieve the maximum count of visitors to complete your desired objective out of the total count of visitors.

Get benefit from social media power

With different social media platforms, one can strike the headline posts with their business to maximum people in a short duration of time. 

The social media platform is so powerful or says impactful, it can figure customers’ decisions, choices, and preferences for any topic. It depends on the type of your business’s product and services; the social media platform works as a tool it attracts more people towards your business those who are more interested in your company. While looking for Instagram marketing services, you will find cost-effective marketing planning for your business and in return get maximum revenues. 

Higher returns with least cost

The importance of social media marketing for new start-ups, marketing with lesser cost and maximum return is the most pleasing scenario, specifically for small or new businesses. 

Bigger companies may afford those higher costs of marketing but small business or start-ups needs to put their effort into keeping charges low and getting maximum profit.

These are a few benefits of social media for business. It helps small businesses and start-ups to generate maximum profit. These social media marketing services strategies maximize profit and minimize expenses. If you are looking for a digital marketing company in the USA, feel free to contact us at Technogiq IT Solutions.

The Importance of Local SEO to your business

Local SEO

We all know very well that SEO- Search Engine Optimization plays an important role in the online business. The search engines update themselves regularly with their searching algorithms for providing the most significant results to the users. Similarly, this local SEO also made a great impact on today’s digital world. Local SEO helps small businesses to get the utmost exposure, and this local SEO does so many things for your company and can boost up your ranking in the market.   

The reasons why local SEO is important for your business can be given as follows:

  1. Online Searching attains more targeted visitors

    As a small business or start-up business holder, you can achieve your marketing goals and you can connect with the targeted clients easily through online marketing.

    With the correct strategy at the correct time, you can make a connection with more potent customers for business and this proficient access is potential with the intelligent planning of local SEO. 

    Digital marketing services company will help you to accomplish more clients via different strategies, which involve content marketing, e-mail marketing, SEO marketing, video marketing, etc.

  2. Local SEO helps to get maximum returns with a lesser investment of cost

    The advantage of local SEO for new start-ups, marketing with lesser cost, and maximum return is the most pleasing scenario, specifically for small or new businesses. 

    Bigger companies may afford those higher costs of marketing but small business or start-ups needs to put their effort into keeping charges low and getting maximum profit.

    While working with the digital marketing agency, you will find cost-effective Digital Marketing Services for your business and in return get maximum revenues.

  3. Get promoted with the power of social media

    With different social media platforms, one can strike the headline posts with their business to maximum people in a short duration of time.

    The social media platform is so powerful or says impactful, it can figure customers’ decisions, choices, and preferences for any topic. It depends on the type of your business’s product and services, the local SEO solution works as a tool it attracts more people towards your business those who are more interested in your company.

  4. An accurate strategy provides higher exchange rates

    The top advantage of Local SEO is providing higher exchange rates. The exchange rate is mainly the percentage of viewers to the website who visited frequently.

    With the optimization of the exchange rate, agencies of this marketing will allow your business to achieve the maximum count of visitors to complete your desired objective out of the total count of visitors.

    These are the reasons why local SEO is important for your business.

    For more information about local SEO servicescontact us at Technogiq IT Solutions.

Important Factors for Redesigning your Website

Redesigning Website

For many businesses, development of website is the main priority to focus on a targeted audience and increase sales. And website plays an important role in business succession. In this digitized time, the website of your business should have an attractive user interface and it should be easily accessible for everyone. It works as a marketing tool and also it is used for branding purposes. 

Website development and design help to increase the number of viewers and audiences of your business. The owner of any business should never overlook the key feature, i.e., web development services. So, the website of your business should be designed and developed carefully before launching your business in the digital market. A good website is a true asset for your business and it completely helps to increase profitability.

Here are a few important factors that are required for redesigning your business website can be given as follows:

  • Boost your business

Make interaction with targeted audiences, your business may improve the quality of your products and services by developing a good and better website with an easy user interface, and thus you may create impactful marketing strategies and convincing sales. 

If you don’t update your Web Design and Development from time to time, or if it looks old and outdated, it will make a negative impact on your customers. Hence, you may lose your users and this will help your competitor to win over you; you don’t want that to happen. So, you need to keep your website alive and active and keep it as simple as possible for your customer to use it. 

  • Boosts accessibility

If your business is having a website, so your business can be accessed by the customers at anytime from anywhere. It gives a space to each user to access your business through a website on the time whenever they need it the most. It will boost the possibility of generating the lead and sealing the deal. You may hire an Ecommerce Website Development Company that helps you to get an efficient company’s website. 

  • Resourceful in Advertising and Marketing

Only having the services and products of any business will not help you to produce leads. However, making various advertisements and applying different marketing strategies will help your business to sell your brand. If you compare traditional techniques for marketing with website development or digital marketing technique, you will find out this online website development technique is much more efficient and effective for financial growth as well as attracting more targeted audiences. You can grab the attention of your customers with attractive discounts and offers with your Web Development Services.

With this digital marketing platform, on your business website, you can showcase every significant piece of information related to your business. The information involves detailing your products and services, contact details, price of the product, etc. 

These are a few important factors that are required for redesigning your business website.  If you are looking for a Dedicated Development Team for redesigning your business, you can contact us at Technogiq IT Solutions.

Why Online Marketing is Vital for Manufacturing Sector?

Online Marketing

While the internet has become an unavoidable part of today’s world, nowadays competitive market needs intellectual strategies of online marketing to start and expansion of their businesses. Online marketing is marketing in which businesses have to reach their targeted customer at right time. In the current digitized and technological world, make a connection with your client online help you to develop your business.

All business sector requires a superior level of plans for online marketing so that they can be generated and boost their contact with potential clients.

Let see why online marketing is vital for manufacturing sector:

Establish Credibility and Reach Repeat Customers –

As a business holder, you can achieve your marketing goals and you can connect with the targeted clients easily through online marketing. 

With the correct strategy at the correct time, you can make a connection with more potent customers for business and this proficient access is potential with the intelligent planning for online marketing. 

IT Solutions Company will help you to accomplish more clients via different strategies that helps manufacturing sector to expand their business.

Enhance lead conversions-

The top advantage of online marketing is providing higher exchange rates. The exchange rate is mainly the percentage of viewers to the website who visited frequently.

With the optimization of the exchange rate, agencies of online marketing will allow your business to achieve the maximum count of visitors to complete your desired objective out of the total count of visitors.

Establish and Spreading the Awareness for Brand-

With different social media platforms, one can strike the headline posts with their business to maximum people in a short duration of time. 

The social media platform is so powerful or says impactful, it can figure customer’s decisions, choices, and preferences for any topic. It depends on the type of your business’s product and services; the social media platform works as a tool it attracts more people towards your business those who are more interested in your company. 

Higher returns with least investment of cost-

The advantage of online marketing for new start-ups, marketing with lesser cost and maximum return is the most pleasing scenario, specifically for small or new businesses. 

Bigger companies may afford those higher costs of marketing but small business or startups needs to put their effort for keeping charges low and get maximum profit.

Enterprise Solutions Company provides their services in various strategies for online marketing. While working with the online marketing agency, you will find a cost-effective online marketing planning for your business and in return get maximum revenues. 

These are the reasons why online marketing is vital for manufacturing sector. For more information, visit our website Technogiq IT Solutions.

7 Ways to Reduce Bounce Rate of Your Website

Bounce Rate

The key feature for today’s digital environment is to become a multi-channel. Set up a valuable presence in all the channels that provide contact with the target audience becoming a fundamental challenge for businesses. 

The bounce rate is a system of measurement that is used to measuring the ratio of users who visits your website and left without visiting on any other pages of your website (same domain).

If you get a high rate of bounce, it means you are not having a tempting page on your website that helps to promote the navigation. Also, this bounce rate can be explained better whenever compared with various other metrics, like scroll depth and dwell time.

Here is a list of ways used to reduce the bounce rate of your website can be given as follows:

  • Enhance the visual appearance of the website-

An eye-pleasing website is mainly attracting more audiences towards themselves and makes a huge difference in the market in its exploration. Approachable designing can also take your website to work easily on smartphones and tablets screens. This new approach can help a company to grow faster and also helps in the growth of sales rapidly. It depends on how many targets audience the company has. 

  • Adaptability for mobile-

Nowadays, mobile is a great platform to showcase any business, the maximum population around the globe uses smartphones for accessing the Internet. As a businessman, this is your responsibility to make your website easily approachable and people can navigate through their smartphones. Creating a mobile-friendly website with the help of an SEO marketing agency becomes a plus point for search engine ranking.

  • Advanced navigation-

Improved navigation will help visitors to discover their needs and necessity from your website. 

  • The improved loading time of site-

It is important to improve the loading time of your website, this makes visitors feel good to visit your website and keep them more engaged with your website. Otherwise, any website with a slower loading time is at a high risk to lose its visitors.

  • Deliver good quality content-

Ensure that your website contains informative, interesting, and useful content for your visitors. It is important to pay more attention to small details like font and its size also.

  • Communication and Marketing channels

Websites should be created in a way that is effectively used to draw attention to your brand name through different marketing promotions. In this waydigital marketing company in the USA can expand the possible audience of users and thus build trusted relationships with them. 

  • Provide visitors an online chat feature-

This feature helps your visitors to clear out their queries instantly. Make this feature easy to use and should be more accessible to everyone. 

This is a list of ways used to reduce the bounce rate of your website.

If you are looking for a digital marketing services company,you can visit our company’s website.

Feel free to contact us at Technogiq IT Solutions

Use of AI in the growth of business revenues

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence as a part of today’s business has now become a reality that offers various options and benefits. AI will help you to prepare your company for the subsequent evolution of processes and technology. With its capability to accumulate data, make analysis, and then create a reaction for it, AI will be modernizing the era of modern business and since it has the ability for making a decision based on data more accurately and quickly, AI gains more popularity.

In the present rapidly changing economy era, Artificial Intelligence drastically changes the way of operations of small and big businesses. It is essential to figure out and make evaluations on how to use Artificial Intelligence in businesses.  

Let see how Artificial Intelligence helps in the growth of business revenues:

  • Increases Search Visibility-

Search engines such as Google use Artificial Intelligence-driven algorithms to enhance results for their users. Its algorithm makes a note on user data like the websites in which they spend their time, user’s search history and their pattern of searching information, etc.

  • Enhances results of content marketing-

As a business owner, you can achieve your marketing goals and you can connect with the targeted clients easily through online marketing. With the correct strategy at the correct time, you can make a connection with more potent customers for business and this proficient access is potential with intelligent planning. AI development companies will help businesses to achieve these results.

Manually created content might be monotonous and it might require lots of time and effort from various teams to work out this plan. The need for personalized content is growing faster with time. So, to remain in the competition, it is mandatory to create high-quality, customized content that is enjoyable and shareable for readers.

  • Enhances Conversions-

The top advantage of using Artificial Intelligence is providing higher exchange rates. The exchange rate is mainly the percentage of viewers to the website who visited frequently.

With the optimization of the exchange rate, the AI Service Providers will allow your business to achieve the maximum count of visitors to complete your desired objective out of the total count of visitors.

  • Now is the time to expand your business with Artificial Intelligence-

The growth and success of any business are dependent on the way how will you make your client feel about you and your business. Sometimes, this process determines whether a customer will make a purchase from you or not. 

If you make your customer, feel unique, valuable, and satisfied, it will increase the chances of making purchases from you, and hence, you will be succeeding in making loyal customers.

This is how Artificial Intelligence helps businesses to grow their revenues. AI software development companies provide their services and help businesses to grow their revenues drastically.

For more information, you can visit our website Technogiq IT Solutions.

Digital transformation boost business effectiveness

Digital Transformation

Digital marketing is marketing in which businesses have to reach their targeted customer at right time. In the current digitized and technological world, make a connection with your client online help you to develop your business.

While the internet has become an unavoidable part of today’s world, nowadays competitive market needs intellectual strategies of digital marketing to start and expansion of their businesses. 

Mainly small or start-up businesses require a superior level of plans for digital marketing so that they can be generated and boost their contact with potential clients.

Here is a list of the top benefits of digital marketing services for your business:

  • Higher exchange rates with the accurate strategy

The top advantage of digital marketing is providing higher exchange rates. The exchange rate is mainly the percentage of viewers to the website who visited frequently.

With the optimization of the exchange rate, agencies of digital marketing will allow your business to achieve the maximum count of visitors to complete your desired objective out of the total count of visitors.

  • Attaining more targeted visitors

As a small business or start-up business holder, you can achieve your marketing goals and you can connect with the targeted clients easily through online marketing. 

With the correct strategy at the correct time, you can make a connection with more potent customers for business and this proficient access is potential with the intelligent planning for digital marketing. 

Agencies of digital marketing will help you to accomplish more clients via different strategies, which involve content marketing, e-mail marketing, SEO marketing agency, video marketing, etc.

  • Higher returns with least cost

The advantage of digital marketing for new start-ups, marketing with lesser cost and maximum return is the most pleasing scenario, specifically for small or new businesses. 

Bigger companies may afford those higher costs of marketing but small business or startups needs to put their effort for keeping charges low and get maximum profit.

While working with the IT Solutions Company, you will find a cost-effective digital marketing planning for your business and in return get maximum revenues. 

  • Get benefit from social media power

With different social media platforms, one can strike the headline posts with their business to maximum people in a short duration of time. A digital marketing services company will help you to get benefit from social media.

The social media platform is so powerful or says impactful, it can figure customer’s decisions, choices, and preferences for any topic. It depends on the type of your business’s product and services; the social media platform works as a tool it attracts more people towards your business those who are more interested in your company. 

These are few benefits of digital marketing services for your business. It helps small businesses and start-ups to generate maximum profit. Digital marketing strategy maximizes the profit and minimizes expenses. 

If you are looking for a digital marketing company in the USA, feel free to contact us at Technogiq IT Solutions our company is a dedicated development company.

CAD/CAM Technology – A Complete Guide That Help To Grow Business

CAD/CAM Technology

CAD/CAM is a rapidly growing technology. Manufacturing of technology continues to develop for an increase in productivity. In the coming years, more productivity is needed for many businesses by revising their strategies for growth and by evaluating capacity. Usually, a company demands solutions that are cost-effective, collaborative and measurable, or scalable. 

This CAM software technology has three critical trending factors: technical affiliations between various industry leaders, strategies of advanced tool path, and Industry 4.0/connectivity. These three critical trending factors or a pillar guides technical developments that produce accessible benefits for businesses without inserting excessive stress on their operations. 

What is new with the latest technology of CAD/CAM software?

The tool path engine of dynamic motion is extended to contain more machining situations that include 2D milling, 3D milling, and turn-off. The software has upgraded in both the basic and advanced end for the spectrum of CAM, and it also involves smarter drilling and automatic cutting in multiple axes. 

Let see how a user can apply CAD/CAM techniques and tools in manufacturing:

A little upgrade and improvements in existing technique is easier in identification and make use of them and it becomes part of those processes which already uses that technology. The tip for a successful business is:

  • It should have to know what are the latest main software tools are
  • Evaluate whether all the main tools apply to them or not. 

Generally, the most convenient advice is firstly to work with the representative of CAM for the summary of this new tool that you are not using or those which are not useful for your business. Try to invest in those which are helpful for you to grow your business. 

Is CAD/CAM software technology easier to use? And how important it is to use in today’s world?

The ease of use is very important and it always getting better. In Mastercam’s case, it has a dedicated division for experiences of the user (UX), it works to ensures that existing and new features are streamlined and improved constantly for creating them as simple as possible. In our older tool paths, we frequently test the improvement in UX by using the feedback program of our users.

The reason ease to access is so important factor of CAD/CAM software technology and every industry aims to increase their productivity that helps to grow their business. Industries can never be idle to do things more efficiently, faster and better. CAM and CAD services should be easily accessible to their users. CAD/CAM companies in the USA provide the best services in providing this software as easy as possible. 

If you are looking for CAM and CAD design companies or CAD/CAM for business, you should visit our website Technogiq IT SolutionsWe provide the best services in software technology development.

Advantages of Using ASP.NET for Custom Web Development

ASP.NET for Custom Web Development

Introducing the framework of .net is the most considerable achievement for the Microsoft Corporation. Dot net technology is mainly used for creating an active web app that should be accessible on numerous browsers. Additionally, a consistent ASP.NET company helps you to produce reusable and scalable applications since this platform is on top for serving the demands of the market. 

The framework of .net is appropriate to create compelling applications of .net with the use of visual studios. Moreover, this platform isn’t restricted to ASP and it provides benefits to developers to develop websites in different programming languages such as VB and C++.

What is ASP.NET?

Microsoft mainly develops the ASP.Net and ASP stand for Active Server Pages. This is used to create web technologies and web pages. Being an element to the framework of .Net, the ASP.NET is highly valuable and demandable for ASP.NET Development Company, it also helps them for developing scalable, dynamic and website that is feature-rich.                                           

The advantages of using ASP.NET for custom web development can be given as follows:

  • It considerably decreases the number of required codes that are involved in developing bigger applications.
  • With the in-built authentication and configuration of pre-application, your applications will be completely secured and ASP.NET application development takes care of it.
  • The development of .net provides you an improved performance by taking benefit of indigenous optimization, caching services, and early binding. .NET technology is mainly used for creating an active web app that should be accessible on numerous browsers.
  • The framework of ASP.NET is convoyed by the loaded toolbox and designed in the incorporated environment of development. Apart from these features, it involves WYSIWYG editing, drag and drops controls of servers, and automatic deployment-kind features.
  • ASP.Net gives simplicity because it makes the process of day-to-day task performance easier. The task includes client authentication, form submission, and configuration of a site that can be efficiently completed. 
  • In the ASP.NET website development company, the HTML codes and source codes are written collectively, this makes it easier to maintain pages of ASP.NET. 
  • The development of .NET is merely a server-based technology; hence the codes of .NET are executed firstly on servers and then it moves forward to the browser. 
  • The platform of .NET development is independent of language use and thus it allows ASP.NET Development Company and itsdeveloper to selectany language as per their preference. 
  • The server of the web mainly monitors the applications, components, and pages that are working continuously. If in any case framework observes any type of illegal activity or leakage of information, it demolished those activities immediately and then restarts itself. 

These are the advantages of using ASP.NET for custom web development.


ASP.NET web development services are a future dominating and exciting technology that is appropriate for the creation of healthy web applications. And considerably it decreases the number of required codes that are involved in developing bigger applications. This is the reason why use ASP.NET for custom web development. 

If you are looking for ASP.NET Development Company, you can visit our website Technogiq IT Solutions; we provide the best services to our clients, 

A Complete Guide to Marketing Your Business on Instagram


Instagram is the potent and influential social media platform that allows small and new start-up businesses to publicize themselves for free.

If executed perfectly, marketing on Instagram will help you to build your brand name, increase your revenues and generate leads. Instagram marketing needs an extra strategic effort to build your brand name as compared to strategies you used on other social media platforms.

For making your new start-ups and small business successful through Instagram, you need to use Instagram branding strategy correctly.

Here is a complete guide to marketing your business on Instagram:

Focus on your strategies and goals

An Instagram account is nothing without goals and marketing strategies. An over-focused goal for the strategies used on Instagram is important to calculate success. Always look up the prior goal for your Instagram channel and use your strategy according to that.

The important goals to be focused on while creating Instagram accounts should be:

Goal to create brand awareness.

Goal to generate leads.

Goal to boost sales

Without goals, your Instagram account might turn into various collections of chaotic posts. 

Target the finest audiences

With your outlines strategy and goals, all you need to know is – “to whom you have to target on Instagram”. Focus is the key factor to work with Instagram. Even though you might have developed marketing qualities previously, it is also important for you to have a look, and compare your qualities with the demography of other people who are using Instagram.                                                                                                                                                               

Create an attractive profile for your business

A good brand on Instagram initiated with an attractive profile. A convincing bio and appropriate links are important for Instagram marketing services so that they convert just visiting eyes into leads and followers. 

You have to include some impressive profile pictures and photos with high and good quality that should be visually consistent and appealing with the guidelines of your brand. 

Try to post amazing and interesting content

The content in your Instagram account might become the biggest driver to attract more audiences and thus it will help you to achieve goals. Firstly, define your brand style with the fonts, colours, filters, palette, hash tags, and captions. A steady feel and look might help your account to stand out and thus enhances your business recognition.

Recognize hash tags and key accounts

Once you are done with the basics of an Instagram account, you have to focus on building your customers and audiences. First of all, start identifying your competitor and take tips on how to use Instagram promotion services to attract more audiences. You can use hash tags and a properly manageable account to generate traffic.

With every characteristic of your small or new business marketing strategy, you need a good Instagram marketing company that helps you to make the best results.

This is a complete guide to marketing your business on Instagram. 

To get more benefit from the Instagram account, all you need is the best Instagram marketing service company that not only generates leads but also boosts your brand name.

If you are looking for these services, you can visit our company’s website Technogiq IT SolutionsWe provide the best services to our clients.

5 Ways to Get More Clicks and Sales Using Google Shopping Ads

Google Shopping Ads

Google Shopping Ads is mainly a search engine platform for marketing that is essential for any E-commerce store. With the help of this marketing platform, a Google ad displays brand advertisements to its users when they search for a product.

 Based on the listing of the brand’s product, and query for searches, Google has an in-built algorithm to show videos that are relevant to business in the product advertisement form. This is the main objective of Google Shopping Ads.

Know why you should use Google Shopping Ads!

  1. You will get bigger targeted traffic.
  2. It has a higher potential to reach desired customers.
  3. You will get a higher rate of return as compared to spend on Ads.
  4. It can be optimized and managed easily.
  5. Google Shopping Ads provides you with competitive data for your business.

Now, let see ways to get more clicks and sales using Google Shopping Ads:

1. Optimize titles for your products

Since Google Shopping Ads are not based on keyword process, but you have to make sure that titles of products should be highly optimized along with the correct selection of words. 

2. Optimize your categories and description for product feed

Add correct information in the categories and description segment of your product feed; so that Google shopping ads management will find out when it has to show your product. 

3. Optimize your product representations and images

While you selecting a product image make sure it fulfils all the desires and requirements of the targeted audience. Your online user will get to know more about your product with the potent images. Always use high-quality images for ads. 

4. Use extensions for Google Shopping Ads

These extensions for Google Shopping Ads are used to disclose the advantages of products. The four types of available extensions of Google merchant ads for businesses are:

  • Price Drops
  • Merchant Promotions
  • Product Ratings
  • Advertisements for Local Inventory

Google launch these latest extensions for making online shopping business more competitive and competent.

5. Use products review and rating technique

Reviews and ratings are used to make a direct connection with desired customers. Maximum customers buy any product based on previous user’s reviews and ratings on products. And sometimes suggestions or recommendations of strangers attract the crowd towards your product.

You can use numbers or stars for the rating of your product that helps other audiences to buy your product. These ratings should be highlighted in your Google Ads so that you get more attention than before. 

So, these are the ways to get more clicks and sales using Google Shopping Ads.

Nowadays, you will find numbers of Google shopping agency that helps you with these solutions.

If you are looking for these solutions, you can visit our website Technogiq IT Solutions, we help you to improve your sales and get more clicks by using Google Ads for your E-Commerce companies.

Microservices Roles And Important Next Gen Approach

Microservices Roles And Important

The architecture of microservices is modernizing in a way like enterprises make their technical infrastructure and developing new applications. It helps various organizations to reduce their required time for the software application of projects and to increase the consistency of backend systems. It is the main reason for the succession of different businesses that are web-native and rapidly spreading them to a more established venture; especially to those who are looking for application economy, innovation, and digital transformations.  

The importance of Microservices is given as follows:

Increased flexibility

With the microservices, your complete application must be decentralized and thus decoupled into the service which works as separate units. Unlike that monolithic architecture in which a failure or breakdown in coding influencing more than a single function or service, there will be a minimum impact for the failure of using microservice strategy. Users will not notice whether your various systems are brought under maintenance or for any servicing.  

 Better Scalability

Scalability is the main feature of microservices. Since every service has a separate element, you can scale up every single service or function without scaling the whole application. A service that is critical to business can be arranged on numbers of servers for enhanced performance and availability without making any impact on the performance of any other services.

Using the right tool for the right task

Microservices benefits you with different accessibility that you should not have necessarily tied with a particular trader. Instead, you get flexibility for using the right tool for the right task. Every service using its framework, language, or additional services and you are still able to make easy communication with another service for your application.

Faster marketing time

Since, microservices working with services that are loosely coupled, so there is no need for re-writing your codebase to modify or to add a feature to it. You get the access to make alterations in a particular service only. With the development of application in slighter increments which is independently deployable and testable, you will get your service and application to the market faster.

Easier maintenance and debugging

Microservices development makes easier debugging and also helps to test applications. With minute a module that goes through the testing process and constant delivery, your skill for delivering an error-free application can be improved vastly. 

Enhanced ROI with the reduced TCO

Microservices permit you for optimizing resources. It is used for coding as well, a microservice in java helps you to work on autonomous services and also allows you to deploy faster. The increase in efficiency for microservices decreases the costs of infrastructure as well as minimizes its downtime also.  


Microservices is promptly becoming an ideal approach for building applications all over the industries. We will be having pioneering businesses that use microservices and disrupting technologies for making the product cycle as efficient and short as possible. 

If you are looking for microservices apps or any other related services, then you can visit our website for more details regarding these Technogiq IT Solutions. 

Best WordPress Themes for Medical and Healthcare Industry in 2021

WordPress development services

The medical and healthcare industries are challenging areas in the development of websites. For any WordPress theme of the medical industry, it is very important to imitate the impression of employee’s professionalism, trust and it should also include – care and support. 

While selecting health care theme out of numbers of option, that are based on many popular CMS, you have to ensure to get a perfect duo of designs which are user-oriented and highly flexible alternative.  

Let see how to select suitable healthcare WordPress themes for your website?

The variety in services for the medical industry is diverse. That means every medical outline should be varied in one’s scope and specifics. Meanwhile, WordPress is completely open-source software.

You will get a perfect website in no time; all you need to do is customize its feature and medical care WordPress theme according to the need of your medical healthcare industry. Though, it is very tough to contradict the similarity in themes for medical requirements, mainly for crucial page functionality and elements. 

Few key elements are given as follows:

Booking functionality for online appointment

According to a study, most of the patients choose that medical healthcare providers who offer access to make a booking, cancellation and make appointment changes online. 

Section for news and updates

Updating the latest news and publishing essential alerts regarding your practices for medical benefit will show users that you respond to them readily; you are active and dedicatedly engaged with your work.

Blogs and Forums

Nowadays, most people search primarily about diseases, their symptoms, and many other related things online. Updating news related to medical advice and publishing content related to medical care, this helps to boost the ranking of your website in search engine and eventually you drive more targeted audiences towards your website.

Service page

This page helps patients or potential users to get a list of provided services and also it includes a detailed description of their services along with its price list.


Display your contact details on every page of your website- in both header and footer of the page. Creating a separate contact us page is also important which includes your complete address with map directions, opening hours, phone number, feedback forms, social media links, etc.  

The list of the best WordPress themes for the medical and healthcare industry is given as follows:

Pro Medica – Medical and healthcare theme

Medigroup – Medical and Health care theme

House Med – Multipurpose medical and health care theme

Nordis – theme for medical healthcare services

Medi Point – Doctor and medical care theme

Medi Clinic – theme for services of medical healthcare

These are a few of the best WordPress themes for the medical and healthcare industry. 

If you are looking for a custom WordPress development company or WordPress development services, you can visit our website Technogiq IT Solutions. We provide the best custom WordPress development services in the USA and across the globe.

Top 5 Reasons Why You Need JavaScript in Your Website

JavaScript development Service

JavaScript is an internet programming language. You will see Js i.e., JavaScript everywhere on the internet. Every programmer should necessarily learn these three languages – 

  1. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
  2. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
  3. JavaScript (Js) 

Hypertext Markup Language notifies the browser of what content has to be shown on your website pages. Cascading Style Sheets notifies the browser that how to put down the content and makes its format looks great. JavaScript manages the behaviour of your web page. All scrolling animations, cool transitions, popup, and other attractive features of contemporary websites were created with the help of JavaScript.

Let see how JavaScript helps to improve your website

1. Client-Side Programming:

It is one of those few computer languages that does not run on a server that hosts various web pages. The time taken to load a web page on the client’s browser should be as low as possible; this should be checked by a web developer. The higher the loading time of a web page, the lesser the client experience. Animations of JavaScript use the device of their viewers to run themselves. 

2. Curves for small learning:

Java is not the only computer programming language; few more languages are used on the web like C++, Python, etc. But this JavaScript is more popular than other languages among developers is because it is so easy to understand. Also, the syntax used in JavaScript is so similar to the English language. If a developer created your website by using JavaScript, it helps you to attract more targeted audiences because it opens your website as faster as possible. 

3. JavaScript is companionable with other computer languages too:

A website server uses various computer languages to run perfectly; PHP, Rails, Python, Ruby, Java, and ASP.NET are some examples. Apart from the computer language used on a server, the viewers of your website always get a responsive, wealthy experience; it is so because Java goes perfectly with any of the above computer languages.

4. Use of DOM Model:

The DOM model is a technique for creating a web page, thus its aspects are fashioned as objects and have their properties as well. This feature allows Java to relate easily with every aspect of this model and thus, JavaScript uses it for animation purposes or alterations with minimum issues. The Document Object Model (DOM), is not a computer programming language; it is a universal thing. Any developer can create a Document Object Model for a website page by using JavaScript. 

5. Compiler free computer language programming:

Previously conventional coding makes use of a compiler. A browser always uses a compiler for the translation purpose of unprocessed code into a readable syntax. But this process takes much time and thus, increases the time to load any web page. Also, it increases the development time of any website. While any website using JavaScript development did not take loading time and it is properly read as well.

If you are looking for an Angular JS Development Company, you can visit our website Technogiq IT Solutions

We provide the best Js services to our customers who are looking for Node Js Development and JavaScript Development.

How Business Intelligence and IoT Solutions Can Help To Drive Business Growth

Business Intelligence and IoT Solutions

Business Intelligence and the Internet of Things are super trending in the field of technology for their analysts and researchers. Business Intelligence leverages services and software to alter data into accomplishable insights that enlighten tactical and strategic business assessments of an organization. Business Intelligence tools analyze and access data and current analytic findings in summaries, graphs, reports, maps, and dashboards to give their customers detailed intelligence.  

The IoT or Internet of Things refers to all those objective devices in the world which are connected with the internet; it involves the collection of data and sharing of data. This Internet of Things (IoT) makes the structure of things more responsive and smarter around us; it helps to merge the physical and digital universe.

Let see how Business Intelligence and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions can help to drive business growth:

Fast growth with enhanced business intelligence

Currently, we discovered surprising conducts that helps your commerce to grow faster by taking benefits of Business intelligence. Business intelligence helps different companies to enhance their operations, well-informed decisions, faster access, and also helps to achieve a higher rate of growth. 

Pivot as current market changes with the help of analytics of big data 

Most business holders believe that big data helps to change their organizational operation techniques. Big data analyst takes insights of their business to another level by allowing the company to take an opportunity that focuses on analytical analysis, revealing hidden patterns, forecasting upcoming events. It also allows you to carry out what-if analyses so that you can calculate the effects of strategic changes in your business.

Enhance the quantity and quality of data with the help of the Internet of Things (IoT)

Increases in the number of devices that are connected to the internet allow us to gather information of supply chain, and all through operations of your business, virtually from anywhere. It also adds quality and quantity to your acquired data.

Business Intelligence (BI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) together are emerging as a dynamic duo, if you make use of both these tools together. Internet of Things helps businesses to understand the customer data more precisely; it helps in increasing profitability, optimizes the production of the supply chain, and also helps to predict new trends in business. 

The combination of the Internet of Things and business intelligence provides several opportunities and also equipped businesses to take benefit from existing opportunities. IoT Solutions involve the collection of data and sharing of data.

That is why Business Intelligence and the Internet of Things are super trending in the field of technology for their analysts and researchers. Nowadays, you can find various IoT Solutions Company, which offers you their outstanding and brilliant services.

This is how Business Intelligence and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions can help to drive business growth. 

Technogiq IT Solutions is one of the leading IoT App Development Companies in the USA that offers business Intelligence services and IOT application services for your business. We help our clients to meet their business needs and goals. For more information, visit our website or contact us now!

How Custom Web Development Help to Grow Business Effectively?

Custom Web Development Services

For many businesses, the development of a website is the main priority to focus on a targeted audience and increase sales. In this digitized time, the website of your business should have an attractive user interface and it should be easily accessible for everyone. It works as a marketing tool and also it is used for branding purposes. 

Website development and design help to increase the number of viewers and audiences to your business. The owner of any business should never overlook the key feature, i.e., web development servicesSo, the website of your business should be designed and developed carefully before launch your business in the digital market.

Based on the user interface of your website, users make their decision whether they wanted to stay and purchase or leave from your website. That’s why the user interface should design as easy as possible. 

A good website is a true asset for your business and it completely helps to increase profitability.

Now, let see how custom web development help to grow business effectively.

Boosts accessibility

If your business is having a website, so your business can be accessed by the customers at anytime from anywhere. It gives a space to each user to access your business through a website on the time whenever they need it the most. It will boost the possibility of generating the lead and sealing the deal.

Resourceful in Advertising and Marketing

Only having the services and products of any business will not help you to produce leads. However, make various advertisements and applying different marketing strategies will help your business to sell your brand. If you compare traditional techniques for marketing with website development or digital marketing technique, you will find out this online website development technique is much more efficient and effective for financial growth as well as attract more targeted audiences. 

With this digital marketing platform, on your business website, you can showcase every significant piece of information related to your business. The information involves detailing your products and services, contact details, price of the product, etc. You can grab the attention of your customers with attractive discounts and offers on your business website.

Boost your business

Make interaction with targeted audiences, your business may improve the quality of your products and services by developing a good and better website with an easy user interface, and thus you may create impactful marketing strategies and convincing sales. 

If you don’t update your website from time to time, or if it looks old and outdated, it will make a negative impact on your customers. Hence, you may lose your users and this will help your competitor to win over you; you don’t want that to happen. So, you need to keep your website alive and active and keep it as simple as possible for your customer to use it. 

In the summing up line, I conclude that; it is very important to realize that online business keeps on growing and thus creating inventive ways to make your online business challenging. And above-mentioned points show how custom web developments help to grow business effectively.

Technogiq IT Solutions is one of the leading custom web development companies in the USA and across the globe that develops eCommerce websites and creates custom websites converting visitors into buyers. Hire our dedicated development team and see your business grow.

How Mobile Apps Can Increase the Sales of Every Business

mobile application development

Earlier business owners use various flyers, advertisements, catalogues, and brochures to enhance their sales. But at the present time, they don’t need these approaches for introducing their business. With the increased use of smart phones, one mobile app is equals to a brochure, newspaper, cash register, catalogue, etc.

Mobile Apps are a powerful and influencing tool to connect with target customers in any business. Nowadays, almost everyone operates smart phones, and the market for smart phones will keep on growing. 

Let see the different ways, how mobile apps can increase the sales of every business:

Sales Growth

This new channel helps a company to grow faster and also helps in the growth of sales rapidly. It depends on how many target audience company have. 

With discounts, promotions, and bonus pop-up notifications you can induce viewers to buy from your business. You can also contact directly users to make purchases from those who installed your apps, by sending them special offers and discounts on day to day basis. Thus, this helps you to attract more and more business.  

 Building Audience

Businesses can be set up connections with the consumers even if they are far from them. If a person installed an app on their devices, then they don’t have to remember your website address, and it also helps to create more customers for your business. 

Channels for Communication and Marketing strategies

Mobile applications are effectively used to draw attention to your brand name through different marketing promotions. In this way, anyone can expand the possible audience of users and thus build trusted relationships with them. 

Business Process Optimization

One can build an application for the interaction of any firm’s workers within their team so that they can manage and monitor any process; cumulate some statistics, exchange data, and files, etc. mobile application development is efficiently used for the automation and organization of various business-related tasks. 

Making a product that aims only to use within the business itself is fairly a frequent practice. In such a way, you can make sure the interactions should be uninterrupted between workers, despite their present locations. 

Loyalty growth of customers

Allowing customers to order food online, book a spot in a restaurant or make payment to their order online using applications on their mobile phones, it helps business to become a potential tool to boost loyalty. Combine loyalty programs with the mobile application and share valuable promotions, bonuses, or discounts with your customers helps to grow loyalty for users.  

One can take complete benefit of the personalization tool through sharing push notifications regarding new discounted offers and promotions. You can also offer customers who already installed the applications on their mobile access special bonuses and exclusive offers.

These are the ways how mobile apps can increase the sales of every business.

If you are looking for a mobile app Development Company or mobile app development services for your business development, then you should reach out to our company. For more information contact us or visit our website Technogiq IT Solutions.

The Most Important Reasons To Build A Mobile App For Your Business

Mobile APP Development

The key feature for today’s digital environment is to become a multi-channel. Set up a valuable presence in all the channels that provide contact with the target audience becoming a fundamental challenge for businesses.

Mobile Apps are a powerful and influencing tool to connect with target customers in any business. Nowadays, almost everyone operates smart phones, and the market for smart phones will keep on growing.

Here is the list of benefits of a mobile app that helps to build your business:

Growth of Sales

This new channel helps a company to grow faster and also helps in the growth of sales rapidly. It depends on how many target audience company have. 

With discounts, promotions, and bonus pop-up notifications you can induce viewers to buy from your business. You can also contact directly users to make purchases from those who installed your apps, by sending them special offers and discounts on day to day basis. Thus, this helps you to attract more and more business.  

Building Audience

Businesses can be set up connections with the consumers even if they are far from them. If a person installed an app on their devices, then they don’t have to remember your website address, and it also helps to create more customers for your business. 

Communication and Marketing channels

Mobile applications are effectively used to draw attention to your brand name through different marketing promotions. In this way, anyone can expand the possible audience of users and thus build trusted relationships with them. 

Business Process Optimization

One can build an application for the interaction of any firm’s workers within their team so that they can manage and monitor any process; cumulate some statistics, exchange data, and files, etc. mobile application development is efficiently used for the automation and organization of various business-related tasks. 

Making a product that aims only to use within the business itself is fairly a frequent practice. In such a way, you can make sure the interactions should be uninterrupted between workers, despite their present locations. 

Growth of loyalty for customers

Allowing customers to order food online, book a spot in a restaurant or make payment to their order online using applications on their mobile phones, it helps business to become a potential tool to boost loyalty. Combine loyalty programs with the mobile application and share valuable promotions, bonuses, or discounts with your customers helps to grow loyalty for users.  

One can take complete benefit of the personalization tool through sharing push notifications regarding new discounted offers and promotions. You can also offer customers who already installed the applications on their mobile access special bonuses and exclusive offers.

These are the important reasons to build a mobile app for your business.

Technogiq IT Solutions is one of the leading mobile app development companies in the USA and across the globe that provides mobile app development services like custom iOS app and Android app development. We help our clients to meet their business needs and goals. For more information contact us or visit our website.

Top 5 Ways to Increase Your Sales through 3d Animation Services

3d Animation Services

3D product animation is the best way for businesses to enhance their sales and achieve the desired return on investment or ROI. Opting for 3D animation services helps you and your customers to visualize your product in the most alluring and compelling way. It gives your product and brand an upper hand amongst your competitors and helps in engaging your potential audiences.

There are many researches that have pointed out that 3D product animation has led to significant increase in sales and revenue. It helps your brand stand out and perform better in the market and helps you find improvements and mitigate risk at each step of product development. Let’s understand top 5 ways 3D animation services can help boost your sales.

Improves brand image

3D animation of your product is not only compelling but echoes your brand and its ethos. It makes your product appear exclusive and compelling thus bringing positive and optimistic views about your business and brand on the whole. It depicts the detailing, attention given and professionalism of your product and how it is created as customer centric leaving a lasting impression on your customers.

Engaging your audience

3D product animation helps you in engaging and captivating your customers and audiences in the most realistic way. It lets your customers and audiences get the feel of real product and how it can benefit them. It provides customers with the finest of details and information thus keeping audiences attracted towards your product. In this day and age of competitive market, it is important to bring your customers close to your product in every sense possible.

Improves your credibility

Credibility is one thing on which most of companies survive in the market. 3D product animation helps to increase your market credibility and trust among your potential customers. It helps in building customer trust and loyalty which can lead to improved sales and revenue. You cannot survive in the market without a loyal customer base, hence giving your customers the right feel about your product is highly essential.

Makes product self-explanatory

The best part of 3D product animation is that it makes your product self-explanatory and your product does most of the talking in-front of your customers and audiences generating curiosity about its features and services.

Easy to share

3D product animations are easy to share across various social media platforms and can be used to target specific audiences. You can easily create marketing campaigns around targeted audiences to generate better leads and sales.

We are Technogiq, a leading IT services and 2D, 3D animation company. We offer best in class 3D animation services with quality support. Our 3D animation services have benefitted clients from across the globe and we continue to strive for excellence. We also offer animation autocad 3D services. If you have a project in mind, let’s connect.

Know The Reasons Why Fantasy Sports Website Design is a Profitable Business to Start Now

Fantasy Sports Website Design

As per a research Fantasy sports engages roughly 90 million people today world-wide. It is not only engaging but also an addiction which tests your sporting knowledge to the max while also providing a way to earn handsome amount of money. A Forbes report suggested that fantasy sports industry around the world roughly ranges between $40 billion and $70 billion which is enough to indicate that this is one of the most profit based business.

United States and Canada have the lion share of this revenue and are the largest market when it comes to attracting fantasy gamers. There are more than 58 million fantasy sports players in the US and around 25 million in India as of 2020, another pointer to suggest that fantasy sports website design is a profitable venture. Season long fantasy and daily fantasy are the two popular pillars of fantasy sports. Season long fantasy sports allows players to create team and play for entire season where the winner is declared at the end of the sporting season. While daily fantasy sports allow you to create team, play and win on daily basis.

The recent trends have shown that daily fantasy sports is more popular among the masses. To be able to win on daily basis is something which every fantasy sports player wants. According to a press release from Fantasy Sports Trade Association, the fantasy sports industry generates more than $7.22 billion revenue globally, which includes sports like MLB, Soccer, Football, Cricket, NBA etc.

If you look at Europe which is mostly dominated by soccer especially the English Premier League, Spanish League and the German League, only UK has more than 3.5 million registered fantasy sports users. When we look at India where the fantasy sports phenomenon has just taken off with brands like Dream11 sponsoring this year’s IPL, the Indian fantasy sports market has grown to 2400 crore rupees in 2020 as compared to 920 crore rupees in 2019.

A whitepaper by India tech mentioned that fantasy sports in India has attracted a considerable amount of foreign investment as well. As per an FIFS report this investment was estimated to be in range of 1500 crore during 2018-2019. According to a KPMG report, the Indian online gaming industry revenue is already worth $43.8 billion and is estimated to grow to $118.8 by 2023. Another indication why fantasy sports website design is the most sought after business these days.

According the same KPMG report the Indian online gaming industry will see an annual growth rate of 22.1% which in itself is miraculous and appealing and is sure to bring in more investors and opportunities for different business houses.

We are Technogiq, a leading IT services and Fantasy sports website design and development company. We offer best in class and Fantasy sports website design and development services with quality support. Our and Fantasy sports website design and development services have benefitted clients from across the globe and we continue to strive for excellence.  If you have a project in mind, let’s connect.

How Can Digital Marketing Benefit Health Care and Medical Industry

Digital Marketing benefit health care

Marketing has become an essential part of each and every industry that is looking to sell products and services in the open market. Businesses across the world have shown tremendous growth in recent years with the advent of digital marketing. Companies providing digital marketing services have grown in numbers with the increase in demand for digital marketing. Healthcare and medical industry have also started to make use of digital marketing to boost their brand, generate leads and sell products.

So if you are a healthcare company working into medical equipment production, a hospital chain or individual clinics, digital marketing can increase your visibility across platforms using techniques such as PPC campaign management, SEO based marketing etc. Let’s look at some reliable digital marketing techniques that can help you increase your business and boost your sales.

Search Engine Optimization

If you are looking to find yourself on top of search lists, when customers come looking for your product or services, SEO is the technique that can make this happen. A good SEO marketing agency knows how to push your website to the top of the search results, that can improve your brand visibility and therefore increasing the chances of landing more visitors to your website.

PPC campaigning

Pay per click or PPC is a method of internet marketing in which advertisers pay some fee each time their ad is clicked. If you are looking to brand your hospital and its capabilities and services, or if you are a medical equipment marketing firm looking to attract potential customers, PPC campaign management can be a good option. It is important to research keywords which are relevant to your business and brand to make PPC campaigns successful. Google Ads are most popular when it comes to PPC marketing.

Social media marketing

Social media has grown leaps and bounds over the past decade. It has seen millions of people and scores of brands and companies join various social media platforms to register their presence. As a result, it also gives companies, brands, and businesses to target audiences on these platforms. Companies providing digital marketing services can create customized marketing campaigns on these platforms targeting audiences based on age, location, interest etc. for example, if you are looking to sell a medical device to any hospital brand or clinics, you can gather data around it and create a campaign accordingly.

Content based marketing

Companies providing digital marketing services see content based marketing as a definitive way of digital marketing. Content can be represented in varied formats such as articles, blogs, white paper etc. Remember to create content in a way which is engaging and appealing to users.

An important point to note is that all the regulations and guidelines need to be adhered to while marketing medical devices and equipment. All the relevant information should be explained clearly and nothing which is ambiguous should be hidden. Any lapse in following regulations and guidelines may result in actions taken by relevant authorities.

Top Benefits of Hiring a Professional Software and Web Development Company

Professional Software and Web Development Company

People often say, leave it to the professional. This term stands true in modern times when specific tasks are left for the specialist to complete. You cannot ask a plumber to fix a computer problem or a civil engineer to do a mechanical engineer’s job. Similarly, when it comes to designing a website for your business look no further than a professional web development service provider. A dedicated development company with a dedicated development team will take care of all the aspects of the website or software development keeping in mind the business and its goals.

Let’s take a look at some of the key benefits a professional web development service company can provide keeping in mind your business idea and its ultimate goals.

Impactful first impression

As the saying goes first impression is the last. So it becomes vital that visitors of your website get a positive impression. A dedicated development company will always ensure that the website is thoroughly professional and impactful, free of bugs and feature rich as per your requirement. A positive first impression will always drive more traffic to your website and will help spread the word about your business.

Faster and robust website

Website speed is something which is very important to take care of. If your website takes time to load or crashes under small load, it leaves a bad impression on your users. People visiting your website expect it to work smoothly and without fail. Any lag or delay in page loading can irritate the users and may result in loss of engagement. This loss of engagement can also lead to loss of sales and revenue.

Mobile compatible

A professional web development company will also make sure that your website is mobile compatible. Now days, lot of people are active mobile users, so there is a desire to access websites on mobiles which is convenient. Mobile compatible websites are a norm these days and a lot of business is done over the mobile phones. So if you are looking to grow and expand your business, you cannot undermine the importance of mobile compatible websites.

SEO friendly website

Another important benefit you can avail by hiring a professional web development company is that you can get an SEO friendly website. The benefit of an SEO friendly website is that your site will always be on top of web searches enabling more visitors and user engagement. This can directly lead to increase in sales and revenue for your business.

Return on investment

A well-crafted and a feature rich website as per the need of your business with the aim of attracting more users can be a great source of revenue generation. A professional web development company will always look to build ROI based solutions and help you achieve the ultimate goal of your business.