//----------------------------------------------------/ // // POLO - HTML5 Template // Author: INSPIRO - Ardian Berisha // Version: v4.5 // Update: 20/01/2019 // //----------------------------------------------------/ //Global var var INSPIRO = {}, $ = jQuery.noConflict(); (function ($) { // USE STRICT "use strict"; //----------------------------------------------------/ // Predefined Global Variables //----------------------------------------------------/ var $window = $(window), //Theme $theme_color = '#2250fc', //Main $body = $('body'), $bodyInner = $('.body-inner'), $section = $('section'), //Header $topbar = $('#topbar'), $header = $('#header'), $headerCurrentClasses = $header.attr('class'), //Logo headerLogo = $('#logo').find('.logo'), headerLogoSrc = headerLogo.find('img').attr('src'), headerLogoSrcDark = headerLogo.attr('data-src-dark'), HeaderLogoSrcFixed = headerLogo.attr('data-src-fixed'), HeaderLogoSrcResponsive = headerLogo.attr('data-src-responsive'), //Main menu $mainmenu = $('#mainMenu'), $mainmenuitems = $mainmenu.find('li.dropdown > a'), $mainsubmenuitems = $mainmenu.find('li.dropdown-submenu > a, li.dropdown-submenu > span'), //sidebarOverlay sidebarOverlay = $('#side-panel'), $pageMenu = $('.page-menu'), /*Footer*/ $footer = $('#footer'), fullScreenPanel = $('#fullscreen-panel'), //Window size control $fullScreen = $('.fullscreen') || $('.section-fullscreen'), $halfScreen = $('.halfscreen'), //Slider $slider = $('#slider'), $inspiroSlider = $('.inspiro-slider'), $carousel = $('.carousel'), /*Grid Layout*/ $gridLayout = $(".grid-layout"), $gridFilter = $(".grid-filter"), windowWidth = $window.width(), $developmentMode = true; 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elem.on("click", function () { if (toggleItemClass) { if (toggleItemClassTarget) { $(toggleItemClassTarget).toggleClass(toggleItemClass); } else { elem.toggleClass(toggleItemClass); } } elem.toggleClass("toggle-active"); return false; }); }); } /*Hover 3d Effect*/ if ($(".hover-3d").length > 0) { $(".hover-3d").each(function () { var $elem = $(this), selector = $elem.attr("data-selector") || ".portfolio-item-wrap", shine = $elem.attr("data-shine") || false, sensitivity = $elem.attr("data-sensitivity") || 16; $elem.hover3d({ selector: selector, shine: shine, sensitivity: Number(sensitivity) }); }); } /*Dropdown popup invert*/ var $pDropdown = $(".p-dropdown"); if ($pDropdown.length > 0) { $pDropdown.each(function () { var elem = $(this); if ($window.width() / 2 > elem.offset().left) { elem.addClass("p-dropdown-invert") } }); } }, naTo: function () { $('a.scroll-to, #dotsMenu > ul > li > a, .menu-one-page nav > ul > li > a').on('click', function () { var extraPaddingTop = 0, extraHeaderHeight = 0; 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$item.hasClass(itemActive) ? $acc.hasClass(toogleType) ? ($item.removeClass(itemActive), $link.next("." + itemContent).slideUp()) : ($acc.find("." + accordionItem).removeClass(itemActive), $acc.find("." + itemContent).slideUp()) : ($acc.hasClass(toogleType) || ($acc.find("." + accordionItem).removeClass(itemActive), $acc.find("." + itemContent).slideUp("fast")), $item.addClass(itemActive), $link.next("." + itemContent).slideToggle("fast")), e.preventDefault(); return false; })); }, animations: function () { var $animate = $("[data-animate]"); if ($animate.length > 0) { //Check if jQuery Waypoint plugin is loaded if (typeof Waypoint === 'undefined') { INSPIRO.elements.notification("Warning: jQuery Waypoint plugin is missing in plugins.js file.", "warning") return true; } $animate.each(function () { var elem = $(this); elem.addClass("animated"); //Plugin Options elem.options = { animation: elem.attr("data-animate") || "fadeIn", delay: elem.attr("data-animate-delay") || 200, direction: ~elem.attr("data-animate").indexOf("Out") ? "back" : "forward", offsetX: elem.attr("data-animate-offsetX") || 0, offsetY: elem.attr("data-animate-offsetY") || -100 } //Initializing jQuery Waypoint plugin and passing options from data animations attributes if (elem.options.direction == "forward") { new Waypoint({ element: elem, handler: function () { var t = setTimeout(function () { elem.addClass(elem.options.animation + " visible"); }, elem.options.delay); }, offset: '100%' }); } else { elem.addClass("visible"); elem.on("click", function () { elem.addClass(elem.options.animation); return false; }); } //Demo play if (elem.parents('.demo-play-animations').length) { elem.on("click", function () { elem.removeClass(elem.options.animation); var t = setTimeout(function () { elem.addClass(elem.options.animation); }, 50); return false; }); } }); } }, parallax: function () { var $parallax = $('[data-parallax-image]'); if ($parallax.length > 0) { //Check if scrolly plugin is loaded if (typeof $.fn.scrolly === 'undefined') { INSPIRO.elements.notification("Warning: jQuery scrolly plugin is missing in plugins.js file.", "warning") return true; } $parallax.each(function () { var $elem = $(this), elemImageSrc = $elem.attr("data-parallax-image"), elemImageVelocity = $elem.attr("data-velocity") || "-.090"; $elem.prepend('
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' + '
' + '
' + '
')); }); }); }, 300); } }, progressBar: function () { var $progressBar = $('.p-progress-bar') || $('.progress-bar'); if ($progressBar.length > 0) { $progressBar.each(function (i, elem) { var $elem = $(this), percent = $elem.attr('data-percent') || "100", delay = $elem.attr('data-delay') || "60", type = $elem.attr('data-type') || "%"; if (!$elem.hasClass('progress-animated')) { $elem.css({ 'width': '0%' }); } var progressBarRun = function () { $elem.animate({ 'width': percent + '%' }, 'easeInOutCirc').addClass('progress-animated'); $elem.delay(delay).append('' + type + '' + percent + ''); }; if ($body.hasClass('breakpoint-lg') || $body.hasClass('breakpoint-xl')) { new Waypoint({ element: $(elem), handler: function () { var t = setTimeout(function () { progressBarRun(); }, delay); }, offset: '100%' }); } else { progressBarRun(); } }); } }, pieChart: function () { var $pieChart = $('.pie-chart'); if ($pieChart.length > 0) { //Check if easyPieChart plugin is loaded if (typeof $.fn.easyPieChart === 'undefined') { INSPIRO.elements.notification("Warning: jQuery easyPieChart plugin is missing in plugins.js file.", "warning") return true; } $pieChart.each(function () { var elem = $(this); //Plugin Options elem.options = { barColor: elem.attr('data-color') || $theme_color, trackColor: elem.attr('data-trackcolor') || "rgba(0,0,0,0.10)", scaleColor: elem.attr('data-scaleColor') || false, scaleLength: elem.attr('data-scaleLength') || 5, lineCap: elem.attr('data-lineCap') || 'square', lineWidth: elem.attr('data-lineWidth') || 6, size: elem.attr('data-size') || 160, rotate: elem.attr('data-rotate') || 0, animate: elem.attr('data-animate') || 2600, elemEasing: elem.attr('data-easing') || 'easeInOutExpo' } elem.find('span, i').css({ 'width': elem.options.size + 'px', 'height': elem.options.size + 'px', 'line-height': elem.options.size + 'px' }); //Initializing jQuery easyPieChart plugin and passing options new Waypoint({ element: elem, handler: function () { elem.easyPieChart({ barColor: elem.options.barColor, trackColor: elem.options.trackColor, scaleColor: elem.options.scaleColor, scaleLength: elem.options.scaleLength, lineCap: elem.options.lineCap, lineWidth: Number(elem.options.lineWidth), size: Number(elem.options.size), rotate: Number(elem.options.rotate), animate: Number(elem.options.animate), elemEasing: elem.options.elemEasing, onStep: function (from, to, percent) { elem.find('span.percent').text(Math.round(percent)); }, }); }, offset: '100%' }); }); } }, maps: function () { var $map = $('.map'); if ($map.length > 0) { //Check if gMap plugin is loaded if (typeof $.fn.gMap === 'undefined') { INSPIRO.elements.notification("Warning: jQuery gMap plugin is missing in plugins.js file.", "warning") return true; } $map.each(function () { var elem = $(this); //Plugin Options elem.options = { address: elem.attr('data-map-address') || "Melbourne, Australia", maptype: elem.attr('data-map-type') || "ROADMAP", zoom: elem.attr('data-map-zoom') || "14", icon: elem.attr('data-map-icon') || "images/markers/marker2.png" } var markers = [{ address: elem.options.address, html: elem.options.address, icon: { image: elem.options.icon, iconsize: [40, 63], iconanchor: [18, 60], }, }]; //Initialize gMap plugin and passing options elem.gMap({ address: elem.options.address, maptype: elem.options.maptype, markers: markers, zoom: Number(elem.options.zoom), doubleclickzoom: true, controls: { panControl: true, zoomControl: true, mapTypeControl: false, scaleControl: true, streetViewControl: false, overviewMapControl: true }, styles: [{ featureType: "poi", elementType: "labels", stylers: [{ visibility: "off" }] }] }); }); } }, gridLayout: function () { if ($gridLayout.length > 0) { //Check if isotope plugin is loaded if (typeof $.fn.isotope === 'undefined') { INSPIRO.elements.notification("Warning: jQuery isotope plugin is missing in plugins.js file.", "warning") return true; } $gridLayout.each(function () { var elem = $(this); elem.options = { itemSelector: elem.attr('data-item') || "portfolio-item", layoutMode: elem.attr('data-layout') || "masonry", stagger: elem.attr('data-stagger') || 0, autoHeight: elem.attr('data-auto-height') || true, gridMargin: elem.attr('data-margin') || 20, transitionDuration: elem.attr("data-transition") || "0.55s", isOriginLeft: INSPIRO.core.rtlStatus() } var gridXsMargin = elem.attr('data-xs-margin') || elem.options.gridMargin; $(window).breakpoints("lessThan", "lg", function () { elem.options.gridMargin = gridXsMargin; }); if (elem.options.layoutMode == "fitRows") { elem.options.gridMargin = (elem.options.gridMargin + 2); } else { var gridMargin2 = elem.options.gridMargin; } elem.css("margin", "0 -" + gridMargin2 + "px -" + elem.options.gridMargin + "px 0"); elem.find('.' + elem.options.itemSelector).css("padding", "0 " + elem.options.gridMargin + "px " + elem.options.gridMargin + "px 0"); //chkd add lazy loading images var t = setTimeout(function () { elem.isotope({ layoutMode: elem.options.layoutMode, transitionDuration: elem.options.transitionDuration, stagger: Number(elem.options.stagger), itemSelector: "." + elem.options.itemSelector, isOriginLeft: elem.options.isOriginLeft, autoHeight: elem.options.autoHeight, /* hiddenStyle: { opacity: 0, transform: "translate3d(0px, 60px, 0px)", }, visibleStyle: { opacity: 1, transform: "translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)", }, */ masonry: { // use outer width of grid-sizer for columnWidth columnWidth: elem.find('.' + elem.options.itemSelector + ':not(.large-width)')[0], } }).addClass('grid-loaded'); var iso = elem.data('isotope'); elem.isotope('reveal', iso.items); }, 100); $(window).on('resize', function () { var t = setTimeout(function () { INSPIRO.elements.gridLayoutRefresh(); }, 500); }); /*Infinity Scroll*/ if (elem.next().hasClass("infinite-scroll")) { INSPIRO.elements.gridLayoutInfinite(elem, elem.options.itemSelector, elem.options.gridMargin); } if ($gridFilter.length > 0) { $gridFilter.each(function () { var elemFilter = $(this), $filterItem = elemFilter.find('a'), elemFilterLayout = elemFilter.attr('data-layout'), $filterItemActiveClass = "active"; $filterItem.on('click', function () { elemFilter.find('li').removeClass($filterItemActiveClass); $(this).parent('li').addClass($filterItemActiveClass); var filterValue = $(this).attr('data-category'); $(elemFilterLayout).isotope({ filter: filterValue, }); if ($(".grid-active-title").length > 0) { $(".grid-active-title").empty().append($(this).text()) } return false; }); }); } }); } }, gridLayoutRefresh: function (elem) { if (!elem) { elem = $gridLayout; } if (elem.length > 0) { elem.each(function () { var elem = $(this); var t = setTimeout(function () { elem.isotope('layout'); }, 300); }); } }, gridLayoutInfinite: function (element, elementSelector, elemGridMargin) { //Check if infinitescroll plugin is loaded if (typeof $.fn.infinitescroll === 'undefined') { INSPIRO.elements.notification("Warning: jQuery infinitescroll plugin is missing in plugins.js file.", "warning") return true; 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No more posts to show

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jQuery YTPlayer plugin is missing, please add this code line <script src="js/plugins/js/jquery.mb.YTPlayer.min.js"></script>, before <--Template functions-->', "warning", 10000) return true; } $ytPlayer.each(function () { var elem = $(this); //Plugin Options elem.options = { videoURL: elem.attr('data-youtube-url'), mute: elem.attr('data-youtube-mute') || 'true', ratio: elem.attr('data-youtube-ratio') || '16/9', quality: elem.attr('data-youtube-quality') || 'hd720', opacity: elem.attr('data-youtube-opacity') || 1, containment: elem.attr('data-youtube-container') || 'self', optimizeDisplay: elem.attr('data-youtube-optimize'), loop: elem.attr('data-youtube-loop'), vol: elem.attr('data-youtube-volume') || 70, startAt: elem.attr('data-youtube-start') || 0, stopAt: elem.attr('data-youtube-stop') || 0, autoPlay: elem.attr('data-youtube-autoplay'), realfullscreen: elem.attr('data-youtube-fullscreen'), showYTLogo: elem.attr('data-youtube-logo'), showControls: elem.attr('data-youtube-controls') || false } //Initializing jQuery YTPlayer plugin and passing options elem.YTPlayer({ videoURL: elem.options.videoURL, mute: elem.options.mute == 'true' ? true : false, ratio: elem.options.ratio, quality: elem.options.quality, opacity: Number(elem.options.opacity), containment: elem.options.containment, optimizeDisplay: elem.options.optimizeDisplay == 'false' ? false : true, loop: elem.options.loop == 'false' ? false : true, vol: Number(elem.options.vol), startAt: Number(elem.options.startAt), stopAt: Number(elem.options.stopAt), autoPlay: elem.options.autoPlay == 'true' ? true : false, realfullscreen: elem.options.realfullscreen == 'true' ? true : false, showYTLogo: elem.options.showYTLogo == 'true' ? true : false, showControls: elem.options.showControls == 'true' ? true : false }); if (!elem.options.autoPlay) { elem.find("#youtube-background-controls").addClass("video-is-playing"); } elem.on("YTPReady", function () { $("#youtube-background-controls").on("click", function () { if (!$(this).hasClass("video-is-playing")) { $(this).addClass("video-is-playing"); elem.YTPPause(); } else { $(this).removeClass("video-is-playing"); elem.YTPPlay(); } return false; }); var elemContainerHeight = elem.height(); if (elem.options.autoPause) { $window.on('scroll', function () { if ($window.scrollTop() > elemContainerHeight) { $("#youtube-background-controls").addClass("video-is-playing"); elem.YTPPause(); } }); } }); }); } }, vimeoPlayer: function () { var $vmPlayer = $('.vimeo-background'); if ($vmPlayer.length > 0) { //Check if vimeo_player plugin is loaded if (typeof $.fn.vimeo_player === 'undefined') { INSPIRO.elements.notification('Warning
jQuery vimeo_player plugin is missing, please add this code line <script src="js/plugins/js/jquery.mb.vimeo_player.min.js"></script>, before <--Template functions-->', "warning", 10000) return true; } $vmPlayer.each(function () { var elem = $(this), elemVideo = elem.attr('data-vimeo-url') || null, elemMute = elem.attr('data-vimeo-mute') || false, elemRatio = elem.attr('data-vimeo-ratio') || '16/9', elemQuality = elem.attr('data-vimeo-quality') || 'hd720', elemOpacity = elem.attr('data-vimeo-opacity') || 1, elemContainer = elem.attr('data-vimeo-container') || 'self', elemOptimize = elem.attr('data-vimeo-optimize') || true, elemLoop = elem.attr('data-vimeo-loop') || true, elemVolume = elem.attr('data-vimeo-volume') || 70, elemStart = elem.attr('data-vimeo-start') || 0, elemStop = elem.attr('data-vimeo-stop') || 0, elemAutoPlay = elem.attr('data-vimeo-autoplay') || true, elemFullScreen = elem.attr('data-vimeo-fullscreen') || true, elemControls = elem.attr('data-vimeo-controls') || false, elemLogo = elem.attr('data-vimeo-logo') || false, elemAutoPause = elem.attr('data-vimeo-autopause') || false; elem.vimeo_player({ videoURL: elemVideo, mute: elemMute, ratio: elemRatio, quality: elemQuality, opacity: elemOpacity, containment: elemContainer, optimizeDisplay: elemOptimize, loop: elemLoop, vol: elemVolume, startAt: elemStart, stopAt: elemStop, autoPlay: elemAutoPlay, realfullscreen: elemFullScreen, showvmLogo: elemLogo, showControls: elemControls }); }); } }, modal: function () { //Check if magnificPopup plugin is loaded if (typeof $.fn.magnificPopup === 'undefined') { INSPIRO.elements.notification("Warning: jQuery magnificPopup plugin is missing in plugins.js file.", "warning") return true; } var $modal = $(".modal"), $modalStrip = $(".modal-strip"), $btnModal = $(".btn-modal"), modalShow = "modal-auto-open", modalShowClass = "modal-active", modalDecline = $(".modal-close"), cookieNotify = $(".cookie-notify"), cookieConfirm = cookieNotify.find(".modal-confirm, .mfp-close"); /*Modal*/ if ($modal.length > 0) { $modal.each(function () { var elem = $(this), elemDelay = elem.attr("data-delay") || 3000, elemCookieExpire = elem.attr("data-cookie-expire") || 365, elemCookieName = elem.attr("data-cookie-name") || "coockieName", elemCookieEnabled = elem.attr("data-cookie-enabled") || "false"; /*Modal Auto Show*/ if (elem.hasClass(modalShow)) { /*Cookie Notify*/ var t = setTimeout(function () { $.magnificPopup.open({ items: { src: elem }, type: 'inline', closeBtnInside: true, callbacks: { beforeOpen: function () { this.st.image.markup = this.st.image.markup.replace('mfp-figure', 'mfp-figure mfp-with-anim'); this.st.mainClass = "mfp-zoom-out"; }, open: function () { if (elem.find("video").length > 0) { elem.find("video").get(0).play(); } }, close: function () { Cookies.set(elemCookieName, true, { expires: Number(elemCookieExpire) }); } } }, 0); }, elemDelay); } /*Modal Dissmis Button*/ elem.find(modalDecline).click(function () { $.magnificPopup.close(); return false; }); }); } /*Modal Strip*/ if ($modalStrip.length > 0) { $modalStrip.each(function () { var elem = $(this), elemDelay = elem.attr("data-delay") || 3000, elemCookieExpire = elem.attr("data-cookie-expire") || 365, elemCookieName = elem.attr("data-cookie-name") || "coockieName2013", elemCookieEnabled = elem.attr("data-cookie-enabled") || "false"; 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}); }); } }, notification: function ( $message, $type, $delay, $spacing, $mouse_over, $allow_dismiss, $timer, $newest_on_top, $showProgressbar, $offsetX, $offsetY, $z_index, $animateEnter, $animateExit) { var content = {}; content.message = $message, $.notify(content, { type: $type || 'warning', delay: $delay, template: '', /* spacing: $spacing, mouse_over: $mouse_over, allow_dismiss: $allow_dismiss, timer: $timer, newest_on_top: $newest_on_top, showProgressbar: $showProgressbar, offset: { x: $offsetX, y: $offsetY }, z_index: $z_index, animate: { enter: 'animated ' + $animateEnter, exit: 'animated ' + $animateExit } */ }); }, sidebarFixed: function () { var $sidebarFixed = $('.sticky-sidebar'); if ($sidebarFixed.length > 0) { //Check if theiaStickySidebar plugin is loaded if (typeof $.fn.theiaStickySidebar === 'undefined') { INSPIRO.elements.notification("Warning: jQuery theiaStickySidebar plugin is missing in plugins.js file.", "warning") return true; } $sidebarFixed.each(function () { var elem = $(this); elem.options = { additionalMarginTop: elem.attr('data-margin-top') || 120, additionalMarginBottom: elem.attr('data-margin-bottom') || 50 } //Initialize theiaStickySidebar plugin and passing options elem.theiaStickySidebar({ additionalMarginTop: Number(elem.options.additionalMarginTop), additionalMarginBottom: Number(elem.options.additionalMarginBottom) }); }); } }, bootstrapSwitch: function () { var $bootstrapSwitch = $('[data-switch=true]'); if ($bootstrapSwitch.length > 0) { //Check if bootstrapSwitch plugin is loaded if (typeof $.fn.bootstrapSwitch === 'undefined') { INSPIRO.elements.notification("Warning: jQuery bootstrapSwitch plugin is missing in plugins.js file.", "warning") return true; } //Initialize jQuery BootstrapSwitch plugin $bootstrapSwitch.bootstrapSwitch(); } }, clipboard: function () { var $clipboardTarget = $('[data-clipboard-target]'), $clipboardText = $('[data-clipboard-text]'); if ($clipboardTarget.length > 0) { //Check if ClipboardJS plugin is loaded if (typeof ClipboardJS === 'undefined') { INSPIRO.elements.notification("Warning: jQuery ClipboardJS plugin is missing in plugins.js file.", "warning") return true; 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