The Main factors of MySQL for Your Company


Everything you need to learn about MySQL

MySQL is an RDBMS (Relational Database Management System), it mainly stores every record in separate, multiple, and highly organized tables instead of single storage. A database is a planned and organized collection of data.

MySQL is considered as a highly recognized technology in the current big data ecosystem. Frequently named as the most popular database and now enjoying its common, and effective use irrespective of business; clearly, it shows that someone involved with business data or general Information Technology must know the basic concept of MySQL.

Let’s see the main factors of MySQL for your company:

1. MySQL is- Compatible and an Open-source

Any business can install and practice its basic software, with the feature to enable its thirdparty modification and one can customize its source code as well. MySQL is created to be very compatible with a broad range of programming languages, database models, and systems. It has external capabilities to design databases and data modeling; these features make it a practical and simple option for your company.

2. MySQL has – Scalability

As user loads and data volumes increases, the storage space for the database is also scaled-up. It should cope with the extra workload with no performance drop. Different ways can be used to scale up MySQL, like clustering, sharding, and replication. It processes and supports large databases, but this impacts speed as well.

3. MySQL is – Reliable and Fast

MySQL was built for speed, also this comes with an expense of added features. MySQL is wellknown for its reliability and consistency as an administrator of the database. Another advantage of MySQL is that it is very easy and simple to use and learn.

4. MySQL has – High Availability

Web platforms and online businesses should be able to offer 24×7 services to their worldwide audiences. That’s why high availability is the fundamental feature of MySQL. It uses the configurations of data replication and a wide range of cluster servers; this makes sure to get continuous uptime even if it faces a failure. MySQL database uses several recovery strategies and a variety of backups to make sure your data will never be lost during unintentional delete and system crashes.

5. MySQL provides – High Security

This feature is very important to consider for your business, as your company needs to be protected against cyber-attacks and safeguard your sensitive and important data. MySQL provides encoding using the SSL protocol, i.e., Secure Socket Layer, data authenticating plugins, data masking, and various security layers to protect the integrity of data. Also, the MySQL Enterprise package protects firewalls against cyber-attacks. Nowadays, MySQL is extended to support Data Mining Services as well.

These are the main factors of MySQL for your company.

Final views:

In this blog, we discussed a few main factors that make MySQL the perfect choice for your company to design its database. Other than the above-mentioned reasons, it provides day-andnight support services and it will handle downtime or system failure excellently. With the number of features and benefits, this RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) can expertly fulfill the requirements of database management of enterprises and individuals. For more information about MySQL, Get in Touch to get an answer to your questions.

In Technogiq, we have a team of experts who provides the best services to their customers.

Know everything about Big Data- Its Advantages and Disadvantages

Big Data

Any data that is structured, semi-structured, or unstructured and also can be created in bigger volume with higher velocity is known as Big Data.

Let us see the Advantages of Big Data-

Increased Productivity

Big Data influences productivity to a bigger extent. Few tools like Spark and Hadoop are used to increase productivity. These tools are used by an analyst to analyze data with higher volume.

Better services for Customers

Data analysis will help analysts to understand user behavior. Analysts can gather information from different social media platforms and this collected data helps them to respond according to customer needs.

Improved Decision-making

Big data helps industries to make better decisions that enhance their business. Business operations can be performed effectively with the help of big data. It also helps businesses to build strong foundations by establishing their roots. 

Cost Minimization

Analytics of big data helps businesses to reduce their expenses. Additionally, tools of big data assist to enhance operational efficiency, and hence, it reduces cost.

Everything has advantages as well as disadvantages, now let’s see:

Disadvantages of Big Data:

Data Quality

Big data is typically unstructured and semi-structured. Its quality is sometimes never up to the mark. Sometimes, Data Mining Firms help to collect precise and accurate data for further study. The insights are non-worthy in this situation. 

Fast changes

Technologies are getting better and improving in every phase, it becomes more advanced than previous versions. Not every firm can adopt these rapid changes this fast, hence it leads to a big mess in their business.

Risk of Cybersecurity

For big data, security cannot be maintained properly, since higher storage is required for big data and it can’t be handled properly. Hence, data security is been compromised because of a lack of facilities.


Government compliance is required for the safekeeping of big data. Firms need to maintain the company standards or requirements of government while handling, maintaining, and storing big data. Companies can hire Data Mining Companies that help them to analyze data improve their business and also follows governmental norms.

Cost Factor

The process of analysis of big data is costly. Various additional costs are involved with it like technology cost, hardware cost, maintenance and storage cost, hiring of talent acquisition staff or Outsource Data Extraction Services, and tool deployment. Investment is needed to work on big data analysis. 

Conclusion on Advantages and Disadvantages of Big Data

Since data plays an important role in businesses the maintenance of these data is the biggest and most critical issue. Big data helps in increasing sales and hence, raises revenues as well. But the analysis of big data requires so much investment and analyzing big data is not a very easy task. 

For more details about Data Mining Servicesyou can visit our company’s website. Feel free to contact us at Technogiq IT Solutions.